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Marilyn Burns

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I grew up in the Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland area. I've lived in Saskatchewan and B.C., Calgary and Edmonton and have traveled widely, but this area is where my heart is.

My father and his parents came to the Onoway area from Slovakia. My mother's parents narrowly escaped Stalin and the Bolshevik revolution and settled in the Star Lake/Keephills area. This shaped my love for this part of the world.

I attended school in Duffield, Evansview, Wildwood and graduated from Grand Trunk High School in Evansburg.

After graduation, I lived in northern and southern Saskatchewan, then Golden B.C. My ex-husband and I then moved to Edmonton. We had four children together. While in Edmonton I studied with Athabasca University distance learning and attended law school in Calgary. I became a lawyer at age 40.

I've had many occupations, including farm worker, waitress, food retail, Secretary, nurse's aide for severely mentally and physically handicapped children and senior's care, camp instructor and piano teacher.

In 2004 I ran as an Alberta Alliance candidate in the Stony Plain constituency. I'm one of two co-founders of the original Wildrose Party. I love the people of Alberta. They are worth the effort.

Reason for running

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Alberta and our world are facing new challenges. We need fearless leadership in Alberta for this critical time. The Advantage Party and I are leading Alberta forward with strength to meet these challenges.

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