This is a page from the 2023 Alberta general election.
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Green Party of Alberta

This party is yet to add their platform to VoteMate.

We invite every party to add their platform and candidates' profiles.

In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.

Candidates in other districts

Michelle Overwater Giles

Green candidate for Airdrie-Cochrane

Michael Jacobsen

Green candidate for Airdrie-East

Regan Boychuk

Green candidate for Banff-Kananaskis

Paul Bechthold

Green candidate for Calgary-Acadia

Jonathan Parks

Green candidate for Calgary-Buffalo

Aman Sandhu

Green candidate for Calgary-Cross

Lane Robson

Green candidate for Calgary-Currie

Jayden Baldonado

Green candidate for Calgary-East

Ahmed Hassan

Green candidate for Calgary-Falconridge

Steven Maffioli

Green candidate for Calgary-Glenmore

Evelyn Tanaka

Green candidate for Calgary-Hays

Kenneth Drysdale

Green candidate for Calgary-Klein

Shaun Pulsifer

Green candidate for Calgary-Peigan

Catriona Wright

Green candidate for Calgary-South East

Jason McKee

Green candidate for Calgary-West

Michael Hunter

Green candidate for Edmonton-Beverly-Clareview

David Clark

Green candidate for Edmonton-City Centre

Julian Schulz

Green candidate for Edmonton-Glenora

Ernestina Malheiro

Green candidate for Edmonton-Gold Bar

Kristine Kowalchuk

Green candidate for Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood

Derek Thompson

Green candidate for Edmonton-Manning

Terry Syvenky

Green candidate for Edmonton-McClung

Tyler Beaulac

Green candidate for Edmonton-North West

Robin George

Green candidate for Edmonton-Riverview

Jordan Wilkie

Green candidate for Edmonton-Rutherford

Chryssy Beckmann

Green candidate for Edmonton-South

Jeff Cullihall

Green candidate for Edmonton-South West

Robert Gooding-Townsend

Green candidate for Edmonton-Strathcona

Kristina Howard

Green candidate for Edmonton-West Henday

Cheri Hawley

Green candidate for Edmonton-Whitemud

Shane Diederich

Green candidate for Grande Prairie

Vanessa Diehl

Green candidate for Lac Ste. Anne-Parkland

Taylor Lowery

Green candidate for Lacombe-Ponoka

Justin Fuss

Green candidate for Maskwacis-Wetaskiwin

Kurt Klingbeil

Green candidate for Morinville-St. Albert

Heather Morigeau

Green candidate for Red Deer-North

Ashley MacDonald

Green candidate for Red Deer-South

Daniel Birrell

Green candidate for Spruce Grove-Stony Plain

Cameron Jefferies

Green candidate for St. Albert

Joel Hunt

Green candidate for Taber-Warner

Tigra-Lee Campbell

Green candidate for Vermilion-Lloydminster-Wainwright