The BC Greens are committed to sustainability and intergenerational equality. We are committed to creating a future that balances the needs and rights of all citizens in BC, not pandering to vested interests or chasing the next friendly news bite or election. We propose forward-looking and evidence-based policies, and will work with the public, with business, with communities and First Nations to face the challenges ahead of us. We believe that government has one job that is more important than anything else: to support all British Columbians in living healthy and prosperous lives.
Andrew Weaver and the BC Greens promote good health by improving access to healthy food, education, income, housing, exercise, and recreation. We believe most British Columbians want to enjoy healthy, safe lives and a good standard of living, surrounded by the rich, natural beauty of our province. We want to give our children and grandchildren the same opportunity. We want a future we can believe in. We want to sustain our environment, our economy, and our communities.