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John Hedican

Independent candidate for Courtenay-Comox
"Arresting and incarcerating millions of people in recent decades has filled prisons and destroyed lives and families without reducing the availability of illicit drugs or the power of criminal organizations."- Changing the Frame: A New Approach to Drug Policy in Canada

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John Hedican is running as an Independent Candidate for MLA in the 2024 provincial election.He and his wife, Jennifer, have been fortunate to raise their three children here in the Valley. Tragically, John and Jennifer lost their son Ryan at the age of 26 in 2017 to toxic drugs.

John and his wife, Jennifer, have been fortunate to raise their three children, Ryan, Megan and Kyle, here in the Valley. John spent most of his working years here and in the North Island in 2 family-owned businesses; TJM Contracting, a logging road construction company based out of North Island, and later C&N Tool Rentals in Comox.

Reason for running

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John is calling for a legal, government regulated system like our existing system for alcohol & marijuana, as it's the only way to save all users lives.

Tragically, John and Jennifer lost their son Ryan at the age of 26 in 2017 and their nephew Justin at the age of 38 in 2019 to toxic drugs. Both Ryan and Justin, along with 42,000 people, would be alive today if their substance of choice was alcohol, as they would have had access to a safe legalized and regulated supply. 

John believes the existing political parties are failing to acknowledge the reality of these deaths, the harm and wasted tax dollars of the Federal Drug Policy prohibiting the use of illicit drugs. Prohibition is the biggest contributing factor in the loss of over 14,000 deaths in our province and 42,000 in our country since 2016. Supporting the prohibition of drugs means that Organized Crime is benefiting, and we are all losing ... losing lives, tax dollars, and forcing our vulnerable into being unhoused, further addiction and poverty.

John does not support people dying a preventable death nor does he support Organized Crime and the wasting of tax dollars. He does support a legalization policy that would acknowledge and actively address the reality that drugs, like alcohol, have and always will be part of life. The reality of supporting the prohibition of drugs is that all parties are okay with people dying a preventable death, and Organized Crime thanks them for their continued support.

John is calling for a legal, government regulated system like our existing system for alcohol & marijuana, as it's the only way to save all users lives. Legalization would provide the funding needed to address the many complex issues related to addiction, mental health and poverty through saved tax dollars, along with the revenues that currently are being collected by Organized Crime. These revenues could then be redirected into regulated government funded detox and recovery facilities backed by research and science, mental health facilities and support, housing for those in poverty and the unhoused, and better education for our youth to the harm of both alcohol and drugs.

The call for recovery beds as the means to stop these poisoning deaths does not address or acknowledge the fact that it doesn't matter how many beds are funded when the source of toxic drugs has not changed. Recovery beds would not have saved the 125 youth in BC who have died since 2018, or the 26 people who have died on university, college and high school grounds nor will it save first time users, recreational users and the vast majority of chronic users. Legalization is the only policy to address all substance users’ safety. 

It’s reprehensible that our political parties are choosing to ignore the realities of all these lost lives and the families and friends who weep for them. Toxic drugs are now the leading cause of death in BC from ages 10 to 59 and it is well past time to have all parties work together to prioritize saving lives and not prioritize votes over saving lives. 

John is running as an independent MLA to address the horrendous death toll from unregulated toxic drugs. Until a reliable, safe and legal government regulated source is available, more than 22 people in Canada will continue to die every day from toxicity. This reality is not acknowledged by any political party or candidate. 

A vote for John will be to say to all other political parties that they need to make this a life and death issue NOW to save lives.

To view more of John’s platform, go to www.electjohnhedican.com.


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