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Sean Taylor

This candidate hasn't added a profile yet. Until they do, we're using their profile from the 2019 Canadian election.
Please go to my website for our detailed platform


submitted by the candidate or their team
18 years Canadian Armed Forces
- 17 years Calgary Highlanders
- Task Force 3-09 Afghanistan
- Nursing Officer with 12 Field Ambulance
EMT - Ambulance SAIT
Bachelor Nursing with Distinction at Mount Royal College
14 years Emergency RN

Throughout my career I have done my best to be of service to my country and the communities I live in and I feel privileged to have been able to do so. I view my involvement with the PPC as the next, and possibly most important, phase of this service. My top 3 concerns for this election are Canadian sovereignty, the economy and the environment. I feel our platform and Max’s leadership are the best hope for the Canada I want my daughter and I to live in.

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