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Ronni Shino

Independent candidate for Brampton Centre

Immigration & Refugees

Immigration Process

Smarter immigration that properly vets and helps people integrate into our society to set them up for success.

Canada needs a new immigration strategy that includes in-depth, sustainable planning so that all new immigrants have a chance to succeed in new cities and towns across this vast, beautiful land we call Canada. Just dropping people off anywhere will not lead to their success or the success of current citizens.

Jobs & the Economy


Standing together to help establish job creation and helping businesses rebuild. Many families depend on the manufacturing sector and we believe that a brighter future relies on protecting our nations interests and helping make "Made in Canada" a priority.

Small Businesses

To create an environment that allows small businesses to thrive. Ensuring their freedom to operate in the best interests of themselves and the communities they serve.
This candidate hasn't added promises to VoteMate.

They may still in the future!

In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.


submitted by the candidate or their team
Ronni is an Iraqi born, Canadian business owner who grew up in Brampton Centre. He cares deeply about the rights and freedoms of all Canadians and will do what is required to ensure those rights are protected.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
Ronni is not left or right. He approaches issues creatively without influence from special interest groups in order to do what's right for you, the voter. An Independent can take your concerns directly to the house of commons without having to get approval from a party leader.

Ronni is passionate about the following:

- A peoples right to be informed to make their own decisions with regards to health and the right to essential and non-essential services without having to disclose medical history.

- Smarter immigration that properly vets and helps people integrate into our society in a way that sets them up for success.

- An economy that is open and invites businesses to grow in Canada rather than to move to the US.

- Keeping the government honest. Having an independent like Ronni in the House of Commons will be a great way to know that there is someone in parliament that is voting on legislation with you in mind, not special interest groups.

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