
Tax measures and rebates platforms

Here's what the 2024 NB election parties are promising.


  • Reduce the HST to 14% in Budget 2025, then to 13% in 2026

    "The promise, which will help New Brunswickers manage cost of living challenges, was reiterated at an event at a local car dealership in Edmundston. The HST will be cut to 14% in Budget 2025, and then to 13% in Budget 2026. When fully implemented, it will save the average New Brunswick family $1000." —, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Immediately remove PST on electricity bills

    "Immediately remove the provincial sales tax (PST), on electricity providing 10% relief from home energy bills." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any Green policies on Tax measures and rebates.

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