Housing & Homelessness

Rental housing platforms

Here's what the 2024 NB election parties are promising.
We don't have any PC policies on Rental housing.


  • Immediately introduce a rent cap
  • Make a comprehensive update to the Residential Tenancies Act


  • Set a permanent rent cap to protect tenants from unaffordable rent increase
  • Let Residential Tenancies Officers intervene if landlords discriminate against tenants based on race, disability, or having children or pets

    "Expand the mandate of Residential Tenancies Officers to allow them to intervene in cases of landlords discriminating against tenants based-on race, disability, or having children or pets." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Create a public rental registry to disclose rent, heat costs, and planned renovations for rental properties

    "Create a public rental registry for rental properties to provide information about rent and heat costs and planned renovations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Regulate short-term rentals to prevent them from reducing availability of affordable long-term rental units

Looking for the parties' positions on other topics?

See our full 2024 NB election platform comparison