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Editor's note
“You know, Vancouver should be a funner city. They want to recreate Granville, as Granville was back in year 2010 or nine or eight or seven or six. That used to be the goal zone. Now it's just a bunch of crazy people that want to break things and rob people and do drugs. You know, like get some shit down the whole area, and get DJs, get dancing going, and get the community going and interactions, and that's what people need.
“We're humans. We're human beings. Right? We're not people that want to stay in all day and not communicate; we're human beings. We need to communicate and socialize. And you know, that's what community is.
“Car Free Day. There should be more plentiful more Car Free Days. That's what you call community. That's what you call kindness, and that's what you call togetherness and that's what I'm all about.
“I wanna be that role model of Vancouver and saying ‘hey, this is what we have to offer. Come to Canada, come to Vancouver!’ You know this is what we want. This is what we need.
“You know when the COVID-19 comes by and we're all stuck in our little mouse trap. We blocked all that communication. We blocked that old socialising. We’re social beings and that's why we need to be more kindful. That's why we need more structure in Vancouver, and we need more structure in the world, to communicate together. You know, instead of being bullies and that's not structure, and that's what the cops are. The cops are bullies. They protected bullies. They make things up. You know by hearing ‘oh hearsay their say’, you know there's no liability. We need that structure. We need human being structure. We need that togetherness, so we can recognize people: ‘Oh wow there's roller girl again!’”
Businesses & Jobs
“More Car Free Days, less pollution in the air, and that's what we want. [...] that’s what I would love to see happen. To see more Car Free Days, more family get-togethers, instead of just one family day a year.” — Rollergirl
Small businesses
“If they can’t structure their business to serve people normally [...] they should not have a license.”
“If you can’t be polite to people, you’re in the wrong business.”
— Rollergirl
Climate Change
Cars and parking
“More Car Free Days, less pollution in the air, and that's what we want. [...] that’s what I would love to see happen. To see more Car Free Days, more family get-togethers, instead of just one family day a year.” — Rollergirl
Walking and cycling infrastructure
Housing & Homelessness
Homeless services
“And the Carnegie [Centre] outreach team. That needs to be changed. They’re corrupted. The whole system down here is corrupted.” — Rollergirl
Rental housing
“The RTB rules are all in favour of the management and the structure of their own, whatever society that they're in. All the Downtown East side structure, it's all messed up. Everything down here needs to be flipped upside down and done right, because down here it's structured for people to stay down here. It's not structured for people to help people.” — Rollergirl
Public Spaces & Services
Walking and cycling infrastructure
Transit & Getting Around
Cars and parking
“More Car Free Days, less pollution in the air, and that's what we want. [...] that’s what I would love to see happen. To see more Car Free Days, more family get-togethers, instead of just one family day a year.” — Rollergirl
Walking and cycling infrastructure
“It doesn't matter how many times people knock me down, push me down, emotionally, mentally. It does mess me up a little bit, but it takes a couple of days or hours to [get] kicked out of it, but sometimes it doesn't – I just snap out of it. I try to be as kind and as helpful as possible.”
“I'm not into crime. I'm into helping people, and sometimes I catch people stealing, and I try to help and I've done that, I've gone out of my way, and that's what you call a citizen that steps out and helps. Like an ambassador. I'm an ambassador of the city. You can add that in. I'm a citizen that wants to get out there and change how people think and people need to have more community.”
“Are you a kind person? Or do you wake up every day and see who you can mess around with? That's what I don't understand of people–why do they wake up and try to be mean to people just [for] the sake of being mean.
“You know, like if I go to a coffee shop, OK for example, and I'm a regular, and they know how I like my coffee, but they give me a hard time. See, snobby business owners should not have a business because snobby business owners, they don't know how to deal with the average citizen in society. All they care about is their money. They don't care about the interactions or how they interact; they care about only 1% or 2%, but the other whatever percent get treated crappy.
“My mother and father had two businesses when I grew up. I have one myself; I know how to deal with people. I'm not gonna say ‘oh do you, do you wanna buy my merch?’ That's very rude. You know, I would say ‘would you like?’ or ‘miss’ or ‘sir’ or they/he or whatever the pronouns are, use them.
“We're in a different world now. You know, before the pandemic everybody was more kinder. Vancouver is very kind, but it needs to be more kinder. I don't know, you know, the world is shifting. People's minds are shifting.”
Reason for running
“Well, first of all the RTB rules need to change. Second of all, people who can't pay rent, then they get kicked out. They can't feed their children right and they can't even feed themselves right. Then they get misplaced. Everybody in the community, if they can't pay rent or anything like that — it doesn't matter if they're different or not different — they get marginalized. Even if they're not marginalized, they get marginalized.
“It's just so simple. It's just the government should pay our rent then we won't have to worry about rent. We all have to worry about to feed our children and feed ourselves and to have a good time in life.”
“One of my buddies froze to death [after being released from the hospital with just a hospital gown]. He was over 75 years old [but] it wasn’t time for him to die. [...] The hospital should have found him a shelter, especially when it was extreme cold.”
“Nobody should die in the frozen cold. In Vancouver, somebody should have reached out and helped him he would have been alive. He passed away before his time.”
“The reason why I like to be kind is because I'm a peacekeeper, and that's [why] the Pisces sign’s there. You know, and that's why I’d like to be voted in.”
gofundme.com/f/help-rollergirl-save-her-business www.gofundme.com/f/help-rollergirl-save-her-business