Artificial Intelligence
- Strike a parliamentary committee to examine issues related to development of AI with recommendations forming basis of a legislative and regulatory framework to govern ethical, environmental, social, and economic implications of AI tech.
- Ban autonomous weapons.
- Track automation.
Strike a parliamentary committee to examine the range of issues related to the development of AI. Recommendations would form the basis of a legislative and regulatory framework to govern the ethical, environmental, social and economic implications of widespread dispersion of AI technologies.
Bring in a Guaranteed Liveable Income to reduce anxiety as the world of work is disrupted in ways we cannot predict.
Eliminate tuition to increase education and trade level skills to adapt to change.
Institute a tax for large corporations that is the equivalent to the income tax paid by employees who have been laid off due to AI. Small businesses will be exempt.
Use this tax revenue to fund educational and transition programs for laid-off workers, including trade schools.
Track automation in different sectors and non-automatable jobs. Fund job creation, emphasizing a secure future in meaningful work.
Ban autonomous weapons and fight for a global pact to make them illegal.
From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.