I’m going to start by admitting that I’m frustrated by the current situation in Langley City, frustrated bordering on angry. This frustration comes from a lack of community events, from the loss of the GoodTimes Cruise-In, from housing affordability, from transit and mobility issues, from crime rates, from a lack of facilities for our youth and seniors, from the services the city provides like garbage and recycling and garbage pickup, etc. I could go on, but I am frustrated, and I am willing to bet that you are as well!
I was born in Langley and I grew up here, I’m a small business owner in the heart of downtown Langley City. I’m not looking to become the next career politician and I’m fully aware that being on council is kind of a thankless job. However, the average person in Langley City needs someone to speak for them; I realize that sitting down and being frustrated isn’t helping, so I need to be the change that I want to see.
I’m glad you are still reading this, it means you care. In a printed space this small, all I can do is let you know that I care too. I’m leaving my contact information below; I’d love to hear your thoughts and concerns about anything issues affecting Langley City! Please make sure you vote in the election; engage with the new candidates and with those hoping for re-election so you can make an informed decision!
Are You Frustrated Too?