I was lucky enough to have been born and raised in Langford, and have lived here most of my life. I attended Savory Elementary and then Spencer Jr. High. I went on to study at the University of Victoria where I earned my PhD in Biochemistry.
I have always loved learning and was a keen student. I also enjoyed performing arts, sports and student leadership activities both at school and in the community, and sought out opportunities for community service.
For the past 15 years, I have been teaching biology classes at UVic while raising my family in the heart of Langford. Currently, I am involved in several community groups including Friends of Millstream Watershed, 100 Women Who Care Westshore, and the Westshore Chamber of Commerce. I am passionate about family, nature and community!
This is a page from the 2022 BC Local General Elections.
mary4langford.ca www.mary4langford.ca
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Climate Change
Active Transportation
Mary Wagner's promise
We need a well thought out Transportation Plan that emphasizes active transportation and particularly safe routes to school.
Energy-Efficient Buildings & Retrofits
Mary Wagner's promise
Update the Development Permit process and Design Guidelines to promote higher energy-efficiency standards; explore grant opportunities
Green Space
Mary Wagner's promise
Expand public open spaces for free play, preserve natural spaces, expand trail and biking networks, dog parks; improve accessibility
Housing & Homelessness
Mary Wagner's promise
Form partnerships with non-profit housing groups to increase below market housing options
Indigenous-Led Housing
Mary Wagner's promise
Increase partnerships with local Indigenous housing groups and include Indigenous leaders in planning discussions.
Mary Wagner's promise
increase purpose-built rentals, regulate short-term rentals like Airbnb, and partner with non-profit housing providers.
Human Rights
Physical Accessibility
Mary Wagner's promise
Everyone needs to get around. Finding ways for all ages and abilities to move through a pedestrian, bike and rolling network is a priority.
Local Government & Democracy
Mary Wagner's promise
Bring transparency to Langford finances and shift the focus of spending to public amenities for the community.
Public Engagement
Mary Wagner's promise
Increase public engagement with open houses, surveys and meetings of the Committee of the Whole; improve city website for community focus
Mental Health, Drugs, & Addiction
Mental Health Crisis Response
Mary Wagner's promise
I support programs for the inclusion of mental health workers as first responders.
Public Safety & Policing
Police Funding
Mary Wagner's promise
have mental health supports for police who have experienced traumatic situations so they can stay healthy and serve the public well
Public Spaces & Services
Fitness & Sports Facilities
Mary Wagner's promise
support a publicly owned recreation centre in Langford
Green Space
Mary Wagner's promise
Expand public open spaces for free play, preserve natural spaces, expand trail and biking networks, dog parks; improve accessibility
Sidewalks & Bike Paths
Mary Wagner's promise
We need more of these!
Arts and Culture
Mary Wagner's promise
support publicly owned community centre with space for youth, seniors and the arts; offer start-up grant program for community initiatives
Reconciliation & Indigenous Nations
Indigenous-Led Housing
Mary Wagner's promise
Increase partnerships with local Indigenous housing groups and include Indigenous leaders in planning discussions.
Transit & Getting Around
Active Transportation
Mary Wagner's promise
We need a well thought out Transportation Plan that emphasizes active transportation and particularly safe routes to school.
Sidewalks & Bike Paths
Mary Wagner's promise
We need more of these!
This candidate hasn't added promises to VoteMate.
submitted by the candidate or their team
Reason for running
submitted by the candidate or their team
I am running for Langford council because I really love this place and the people here. Langford is changing fast! Together we can work for balance and quality of life for current and future residents. My priorities on council include sustainable growth, the environment and greenspace, making sure decisions are based on community engagement, and building safe and healthy communities.
Authorized by Mary Wagner, info@mary4langford.ca
Authorized by Mary Wagner, info@mary4langford.ca
mary4langford.ca www.mary4langford.ca