Education platforms
Here's what the candidates in Eglinton—Lawrence, and their parties, are promising.We don't have any PC policies on Francophone education.
We don't have any Green policies on Francophone education.
K-12 funding
We don't have any PC policies on K-12 funding.
We don't have any Green policies on K-12 funding.
K-12 staffing
We don't have any PC policies on K-12 staffing.
Reintroduce a one-year teaching degree to address the teacher shortage
We don't have any Green policies on K-12 staffing.
Post-secondary costs and loans
We don't have any PC policies on Post-secondary costs and loans.
Remove interest on OSAP loans
Raise the income threshold for repayment of OSAP loans to $50K
We don't have any Green policies on Post-secondary costs and loans.
Post-secondary institutions and funding
We don't have any PC policies on Post-secondary institutions and funding.
Cap international student enrolment at 10% for each Ontario college and university
Expand campus resources and affordable student residence options
Increase funding to colleges and universities to help their dependency on international student enrolment
We don't have any Green policies on Post-secondary institutions and funding.
School construction and upgrades
We don't have any PC policies on School construction and upgrades.
We don't have any Green policies on School construction and upgrades.
School curriculum
We don't have any PC policies on School curriculum.
Expand access to STEM, robotics, coding, skilled trades, entrepreneurship, economics, financial literacy, and civics courses
We don't have any Green policies on School curriculum.
School nutrition
We don't have any PC policies on School nutrition.
We don't have any Green policies on School nutrition.