Valerie Brooks

Green candidate for Yorkton
Transition to clean energy is a must, and supporting sector workers and industry to get there is paramount. Stabilizing the economy to one that is predictable and sustainable will allow us to increase our quality of life and protect and support the most vulnerable amongst us.

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Poverty and the minimum wage

Valerie Brooks's promise

Climate Change & the Environment

Climate adaptation

Valerie Brooks's promise


Drugs and addiction

Valerie Brooks's promise

Family doctors and primary care

Valerie Brooks's promise

Housing & Homelessness

Drugs and addiction

Valerie Brooks's promise

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Poverty and the minimum wage

Valerie Brooks's promise

Society & Government

Indigenous relations

Valerie Brooks's promise


submitted by the candidate or their team
I want to be your next MLA because I believe in the power of the people to make positive changes in society. If we want a different government we need to vote differently. As a Green Party candidate I believe in doing "politics" differently and feel I am qualified for the job.

A little bit about me... my husband and I own property in Yorkton, and currently live in Saltcoats where we enjoy a more rural, slower pace of life after having raised our 3 children.

As your Green Party candidate I'm obviously concerned about the global environment and how we as humans can have a lasting impact on the natural world. I believe whole-heartedly that if we take care of our natural resources and think 7 generations ahead when making decisions, we can create a sustainable world to live in and prosper from. The trick is to find balance.

From a community perspective, I have been actively involved in every community I've lived in, with local organizations and community initiatives that help to create a higher quality of life for all. I currently serve on the Habitat for Humanity - Yorkton Chapter's Board of Directors and have enjoyed working with this organization for the past 3 years.

From a personal standpoint, I am more than qualified to do this important work. I have a Master's degree in Education where I researched and wrote a Thesis on Treaty Education and Reconciliation listening to and learning from Indigenous participant perspectives. I have been an educator for more than 20 years where I have worked as a classroom teacher and school administrator. In the classroom, I've spent many years teaching civics courses which has provided me with powerful experiences and an expanded knowledge base regarding our political system and democracy. As an administrator I have been able to hone my skills as a communicator, collaborator and facilitator making me ready to work with my colleagues in the Legislature. I am ready, willing and more than capable to be your MLA.

I also know what many of you may be thinking... "I want to vote Green, but I feel like my vote will be wasted if I do." Well to that I say, positive change starts with a single step in the right direction. If we want to see a change in our province, we need to start by voting differently and trusting the process.

You can trust me and the Green Party to do the right thing... we don't accept corporate donations, so we are never beholden to corporate interests, we don't whip our MLA's in voting a certain way so they are completely independent and able to vote in the best interests of their particular constituency.

Greens around the world, think differently and act differently than the traditional Left and Right politicians. We strive to come to agreements rather than play divisive political games, and we are connected to and gain strength from a global network of people striving to make the planet viable for our great-great-great-great grandchildren. That's where our hearts and minds are, not with petty self-interests and political egos.

So if you want different, vote different this election and see what can happen.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to know more about me and my background, or to set up a meeting to meet me in person. I'm more than willing to listen to what is important to you in order to understand how to best represent you in the Legislature.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
In the world of divisive political maneuvering to "get elected" I feel strongly that voters need to vote for positive change. I'm running as a candidate with the SK Green Party to give voters the opportunity to break up the old power based system and create positive change.