Establish a Premier's Task Force to develop a Provincial Agri-Food Competitiveness and Growth Strategy
"Establishing a Premier’s Task Force – as requested by the BC Agriculture Council – to work with agriculture industry stakeholders, First Nations, and local governments to co- develop a Provincial Agri-Food Competitiveness and Growth Strategy." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07
Inventory and project agricultural land
Match young farmers with farmland available for purchase or lease
Provide a topped-up perennial crop renewal programme
Expand the agricultural Extreme Weather Preparedness fund
"Expanding the agricultural Extreme Weather Preparedness fund to help farmers and ranchers prepare and protect their farms and animals from extreme-weather emergencies." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07
Increase the amount of food processed in BC to reduce costs
"Increasing the amount of food processed here in BC to avoid exchange rate pressures, transportation costs, and the impacts of climate change — which all drive the price of food higher." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07
Fund communities to identify and prioritise local water use
"Making sure BC communities have secure sources of clean water for the future by putting land use and watershed planning in the hands of local communities, farmers and businesses, in partnership with First Nations, and funding those communities to identify and prioritize local water use. This builds on our existing Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program that supports food producers to store and improve their water supply for irrigation and livestock." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07
BC Conservatives
Invest in agricultural R&D
"Invest in agricultural R&D, focusing on disease-resistant crops, climate-resilient farming practices, and innovative technologies to improve crop varieties and livestock productivity." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Provide financial incentives for farmers who take measures to increase their yield
"Improve crop productivity by providing financial incentives for farmers to employ yield-increasing measures, including both conventional and alternative practices such as crop rotation, organic farming, and regenerative agriculture." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Ensure that agricultural technology grants are easy for farmers to apply for
"Expand access to advanced agricultural technologies by ensuring grant programs are easy for all farmers to apply for – not just the big players." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Help farmers access capital for replanting and nurturing crops after extreme weather events
"Help farmers access the capital needed to replant and nurture crops after the devastation of recent extreme weather events such as the heat dome and back-to-back cold snaps in our changing climate. Existing replant supports are insufficient." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Provide financial relief to farmers who incurred losses from the closure of the BC Fruit-Growers Co-Op
"Support tree fruit farmers by ensuring small farms can still get their products to market, and providing appropriate financial relief to farmers who incurred losses from the closure of the co-op." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Support farmers to use beneficial practices for the bee population
"Enhance pollinator populations by supporting farmers to employ beneficial practices for the bee population, improving crown land stewardship practices, and introducing policy changes to augment BC’s supply of pollinators." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Expand the Buy BC programme for prioritising locally-produced goods
"Expand the Buy BC program to prioritize locally-produced dairy, fruits, wines, grains, meats, and other products on store shelves, giving British Columbians more access to home-grown products." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Create tax incentives for dairy and fruit processors to operate in BC
"Increase local food processing by creating tax incentives that encourage dairy and fruit processors as well as other food manufacturing facilities to operate in BC. This boosts local manufacturing, reduces reliance on imports, and supports BC farmers by creating local markets for their products." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Review the Agricultural Land Commission
"Review the Agricultural Land Commission to make sure that farmers have cost-effective and timely access to the supply chain for processing, distribution, and retail." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Identify land in the Agricultural Land Reserve to use for building new towns
Provide tax release or subsidies for small farmers renting land
"Launch land access incentives by providing tax relief or subsidies for small farmers renting land, making it more affordable for new entrants and small-scale operators to access land for agricultural use. This could include programs to convert unused or underused public land into small farm plots." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Start a microloan programme to provide low-interest loans to small farmers for equipment, seeds, or livestock
"Establish a microloan program that provides small farmers with low-interest loans to purchase necessary equipment, seeds, or livestock, helping them overcome financial barriers to growth." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Cut red tape on farm housing for agricultural workers
Expand water reservoir capacity on farms and in rural communities
"Invest in large-scale water storage and infrastructure by expanding reservoir capacity on farms and in rural communities. We will provide funding for on-farm water storage and irrigation systems, reducing dependence on fluctuating water sources." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Protect agricultural water supply in legislation
"Protect the agricultural water supply in legislation, to ensure farmers have secure and long-term access to water for food production." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Plan for water sustainability in partnership with farmers and ranchers, and include climate resilience measures and protections
"Plan for water sustainability in partnership with farmers and ranchers to balance the water needs of food producers and local communities. These plans should include climate resilience measures and protections to sustain food production during droughts or floods." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Appoint a research chair to conduct an ongoing study into the state of water reserves
"Comprehensively research and monitor the state of BC’s water supply by measures including a research chair to conduct ongoing study into the state of water reserves and availability in BC for people, agriculture, and wildlife." —, retrieved 2024-10-08
Support increased access to temporary labour for farms