• Prioritize stock assessments, stock recovery planning and enforcement of science-based catch limits because these have been shown to be the most important predictors of well-managed fisheries. We will also ensure that stock recovery plans incorporate climate change risks.
• Strengthen the role of advisory bodies in fisheries management to enhance cooperation between resource users and ensure that commercial, recreational, and cultural fishers can all have confidence in management decisions.
• Work collaboratively with Indigenous rights-holders and commercial harvesters to develop management plans which fulfill the rights recognized in the Marshall decisions, protect the sustainability of our fisheries, and ensure that coastal communities can continue to thrive.
• Improve the Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation processes by:
° Ensuring that MPAs are focused on contributing to the sustainability of critical stocks;
° Restoring meaningful public consultation to the MPA process; and
° Exploring the feasibility of new models, such as dynamic MPAs, that will improve climate change resiliency.
• Work with stakeholders, First Nations, and regional jurisdictions to implement ecosystem-based fisheries management, including control of abundant predator populations which impact commercial and SARA-listed species.
• Update and strengthen DFO’s national aquatic invasive species program and ensure that the Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations are being implemented.
• Address illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, seafood fraud and ghost gear.
• Restore community-based conservation initiatives like the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program, provide more support for hatcheries, and support public conservation education initiatives.
• Create a Canadian Seafood Development Agency to advance the sustainable growth of the sector
° The Agency will be responsible for developing a long-term strategy and sustainable growth plan in partnership with the provinces.
• Work with governments and communities in Nunatsiavut, Nunavut, Nunavik, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region to develop community-based marine fisheries, which will help create employment and fight local and regional food insecurity.
° For communities across Inuit Nunangat, oceans are an essential lifeline and source of food.
Building on the commitments already outlined above, we will develop a Pacific Salmon Strategy focused on making measurable progress toward restoring at-risk stocks. This will include:
• Enforcing a strict timeline for the completion of stock assessments;
• Prioritizing funding for community-led habitat restoration or other projects that support at-risk stocks;
• Ensuring the Salmonid Enhancement Program is sufficiently resourced to support at-risk stocks;
• Increasing support for and engagement with Indigenous- and community-led hatchery and enhancement projects;
• Implementing mass-marking programs at BC fish hatcheries and allowing mark-selective harvest of salmon in BC’s sport fishery, protecting sensitive fish populations while maintaining the health of BC’s public fishery;
• Creating a pinniped management plan that will address threats to at-risk stocks in a balanced way; and
• Identifying the likelihood of future threats due to climate change.