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Mark Olsen

Independent for Vernon School Board (incumbent)
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submitted by the candidate or their team
35 years school district experience.
Current Trustee 2018 - 2022
Former Vice-chair of K-12 Presidents Council (provincial bargaining)
36 year Vernon resident
Married with 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren.

I have served on many District Committee’s including the Indigenous Education Advisory Committee, Health and Safety, as well as being involved in Budget and Board Policy development. I has also represented the District at Regional and Provincial formats regarding district funding and operational governance. I previously served as a Director for the North Okanagan-Shuswap United Way and Vice-chair and Secretary Treasurer of the Provincial K-12 President’s Council.

With 35 years of school district experience I have a unique perspective of the issues faced by students, parents, our community and our employees.

I am proud of our new strategic plan that we recently passed and put into action. Our focus must always be student centered and I am confident we will make gains in our objective to provide our students with the opportunity to be the best that they can be.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
I am running because I want to continue to make a difference in our students lives and help them become responsible, successful community members. Our students are our future and we owe it to them and ourselves to provide opportunity to reach their maximum potential.

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