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Richard M. Kiernicki

NOTA candidate for Etobicoke Centre
I'm committed to truth, transparency & redefining democracy for the people, by the people, through direct democracy, referedum, recall, accountability and political reform.

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Disruptor, speaker, mentor, author of an award winning book, transformational leadership award recipient & creator of the TIME-EQUITY movement, he’s blessed with an intuition to question everything, committed to truth, transparency & redefining democracy for/by the people.

“The NOTA Party of Ontario campaigns for the 3R’s of Direct Democracy – Referendum, Recall and Reforms to electoral, legislative, transparency and accountability laws and practices, to give voters control of politicians and parties during and in between elections. Candidates are accountable to their constituents and there are no central party policies or controls of elected MPP’s beyond the binding Direct Democracy principles.” Greg Vezina (party leader)

Richard M. Kiernicki is a disruptor (vrit), speaker, mentor, author of quadruple-award winning book, “The Capitalist’s Worst Nightmare Come True: The Crucifixion of Capital,” recipient of a transformational leadership award, and creator of TIME-EQUITY. Blessed with an intuition to question everything, after 40 years in the financial industry, mentored by/partnered with a billionaire, uncovering its secrets and lies, Richard introduces "TIME-EQUITY" in his book as a realistic replacement for capitalism. This represents his truth as he states there is nothing more valuable than your TIME. Why a TIME-based system? TIME can’t be bastardized by human hands; it is fully transparent (unlike “monetary” systems), which rebuilds trust and equality, leading to a better version of democracy. We know change is inevitable; let’s work together to bring this change about and look at the possibilities beyond what we’ve come to accept as our reality, through an unending drive to imagine beyond the conventional wisdom. TIME-EQUITY is the realistic alternative we’ve been waiting for, to usher in an age of equality, true democracy, a sustainable planet and quite possibly the first era of peacefulness amongst humanity to work together in realizing our unlimited potential.

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As founder of the TIME-EQUITY movement, Richard is building a global community of people who believe that, "your TIME is equal to my TIME, my TIME is equal to your TIME, and together our TIME unleashes unlimited potential." TIME is the great equalizer!

This is his second election as a candidate for NOTA (None of the Above Direct Democracy), first being nominated for the June 2022 provincial election.  He has been asked again to represent NOTA in this crucial election where it’s more important than ever to have independent and small party candidates who aren’t tied to following orders from the major party leaders and can truly represent the constituents.

Since the last election, he has been very vocal online in calling for electoral reform and responsible government for the people, signing numerous petitions, contacting and writing to his MP’s and MPP’s offices, challenging the government to be transparent and not allow ethics violations and conflicts of interest to be treated with a slap on the wrist, but actually hold representatives accountable for their actions. He will continue to work diligently on these efforts.

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