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Transportation & Transit platforms

Here's what the Ontario 2025 parties are promising.


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  • Ban congestion charges on Ontario roads and highways

    "Legislation to ban use of congestion pricing on all provincial and municipal roadways, building on previous legislation that banned new tolls on provincial highways." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

We don't have any ONDP policies on Congestion.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Congestion.


  • Create dedicated truck lanes on Highway 407 to reduce congestion, and remove Highway 407 tolls for transport trucks

    "Create dedicated truck lanes on High- way 407 to reduce congestion and the need for more highways; Remove Hwy 407 tolls for transport trucks" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Fuel and transportation costs

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  • Make the gas tax cut permanent

    "Permanently cutting the provincial tax on gas by 5.7 cents per litre and on diesel by 5.3 cents, for total savings of 10.7 cents per litre of gas when combined with the PCs’ cancellation of the Liberal cap-and-trade carbon tax. Since the gas tax cuts were first introduced, the Ontario PCs have saved the average driver more than $400." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Direct Service Ontario to streamline work with municipalities to end duplicative collection efforts against drivers for municipal offences
We don't have any ONDP policies on Fuel and transportation costs.


  • Review provincial auto insurance practices and premiums

    "Undertake a comprehensive review of provincial auto insurance practices and premiums, which have become the most expensive in Canada, in order to bring costs down for consumers, improve accident care and better protect owners from auto theft." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Green policies on Fuel and transportation costs.

Highways and roads

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  • Invest up to $15B more in key capital projects over three years

    "Investing up to $15 billion more over three years to speed up key capital projects, including widening the QEW between Burlington and St. Catharines." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Raise highway speed limits to a minimum of 110km/h

    "Raise highway speed limits to a minimum of 110 km per hour across the provincial highway network." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Widen the Queen Elizabeth Way between Burlington and St. Catharines

    "In Niagara Region, Ford said that a re-elected PC government would widen the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) between Burlington and St. Catharines to keep people working and help get drivers out of gridlock." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Remove tolls from Highway 407 East

    "Taking tolls off Highway 407 East, which runs between Brock Road in Pickering and Highway 115 in Clarington, saving daily commuters $7,200 every year." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Build a new driver and transit expressway by tunnelling under Highway 401

    "Today, Ontario PC leader Doug Ford announced that a re-elected PC government will fight gridlock, improve economic competitiveness and create new jobs for workers by tunnelling under Highway 401 to build a new driver and transit expressway. As part of the $15 billion in new infrastructure investments to keep people working, a re-elected PC government will also invest more to speed up new transportation infrastructure projects for the region.

    The Highway 401 tunnel expressway will include both vehicle and transit lanes and will extend beyond Brampton and Mississauga in the west to beyond Markham and Scarborough in the east. It will be one of the largest, most ambitious infrastructure projects in the world." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Rehabilitate several of Highway 401's lanes

    "Rehabilitating Highway 401’s eastbound core and collector lanes from Victoria Park Avenue to Neilson Road, including adding an additional lane at the Kennedy Road interchange.

    Rehabilitating Highway 401’s eastbound express lanes from Avenue Road to Ward Avenue, including bridge replacements at the Leslie Street and Bayview Avenue interchanges." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Prioritise new interchanges at Banwell Road and EC. Row Expressway, and at Highway 401 and the Lauzon Parkway extension

    "In Windsor and Essex, a re-elected PC government will prioritize the construction of a new interchange at Banwell Road and E.C. Row Expressway, as well as a new interchange at Highway 401 and the Lauzon Parkway extension that will support trade between the U.S. and Canada." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Take over ownership and maintenance of Highway 174
  • Invest nearly $350M in local infrastructure for Ottawa

    "The New Deal with Ottawa includes nearly $350 million for local infrastructure, including:

    $56 million to upgrade and repair Highway 174 prior to it being uploaded to the province.

    $50 million to upgrade rural roads and highways outside the downtown core.

    More than $50 million to design and build a new interchange at Highway 416 and Barnsdale Road.

    $80 million to support the Kanata North Transitway." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Expand Highway 11 from Temiskaming Shores to Cochrane with a 2+1 highway design

    "The Ontario PCs have already begun the process of widening Highway 11 from North Bay to Temiskaming Shores, with initial work set to begin on Highway 11 between Sand Dam Road and Ellesmere Road, and between Highway 64 and Jumping Caribou Road. If re-elected, the PCs will extend the 2+1 highway another 220 kilometres from Temiskaming Shores to Cochrane, with a new passing lane that changes direction every two to five kilometres. This expanded highway will improve highway safety and make travel more efficient and convenient for northern drivers." —, retrieved 2025-02-23

  • Allow all vehicles to use HOV lanes during off-peak hours

    "Reform High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes to open lanes to all vehicles during off-peak hours." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Expand Highway 40 to Sarnia
  • Add concrete safety barriers to the most dangerous section of Highway 401

    "We’ll expand highway 40 to Sarnia and fix Carnage Alley, the most dangerous section of Hwy 401, where the Ford government failed to prioritize concrete safety barriers." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Take back financial responsibility for formerly provincially-owned controlled-access highways and "Connecting Link" highways

    "The province will take back financial responsibility for formerly provincially owned controlled-access highways and for “Connecting Link” highways whose costs were unfairly downloaded onto municipalities, like the EC Row Expressway in Windsor." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Widen Highway 11/17 and Highway 69, and build the Cochrane Bypass
  • End private highway maintenance contracts

    "We will put an end to private highway maintenance contracts that have been a disaster for Ontario drivers and bring snow clearance and highway maintenance back under public control." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Bring driver licensing back under the Ministry of Transportation, and increase training for truck drivers to prepare them for snowy winters

    "We’ll also make sure truck drivers receive increased training, so they are prepared for Ontario’s snowy winters, especially in Northern Ontario." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

    "We’ll also bring driver licensing back under the Ministry of Transportation to ensure there is accountability for truck drivers who need increased training to be prepared for Ontario’s snowy winters, especially in Northern Ontario." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Invest in municipal and regional road repair and maintenance
  • Widen provincial highways in congested areas
  • Improve winter maintenance of key provincial highways


  • Prevent flooding by stopping the paving of wetlands, including by banning 400 series highways in the Greenbelt

    "In addition to supporting farmers by stopping the paving of prime farmland, we’ll also protect your basement from flooding by stopping the paving of wet- lands. Wetlands act as a critical buffer to protect our homes from flooding, absorbing rainwater during intense storms that are only increasing in intensity, frequency and cost due to climate change. Unfortunately, Doug Ford’s approach of destroying wetlands with wasteful projects like Highway 413, and his attack on Conservation Authorities, is increasing the risk of your home flooding in the next big storm. In addition to protecting wetlands, we’ll make it easier for families to flood-proof their basements with zero-interest loans, and support cities to spruce up their roads, bridges and buildings to be ready for the next torrential downpour." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Inter-city bus and rail

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  • Build multiple new GO rail lines

    "When fully realized, GO 2.0 would support the creation of multiple new lines, including a line running through mid-town Toronto, a line from Bolton to Union Station via Woodbridge and Etobicoke, as well as extensions and improvements to existing lines, including Richmond Hill." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Install charging plug ports, cup holders, and improved wifi on all Metrolinx GO trains and Northlander trains

    "Install charging plug ports, cup holders and improved Wi-Fi on all Metrolinx GO trains and Northlander trains to make travelling and commuting more convenient and enjoyable." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Provide two-way, all-day GO rail service for Milton and Kitchener


  • Implement a Northern Rail and Bus Strategy to fast-track Northlander passenger service to Timmins and Cochrane

    "The Ontario NDP will implement a Northern Rail and Bus Strategy that will fast-track the long-delayed delivery of the Northlander passenger service to both Timmins and Cochrane, with a proper connection to the Polar Bear Express." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Support rail services like the Huron Central and Algoma Central Rail Lines
  • Provide two-way all-day GO service to Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Niagara, London, and Bowmanville
  • Build new GO stations in Oshawa, Clarington, Grimsby, and Bowmanville


  • Electrify and increase GO service throught the GTA and southwestern Ontario


  • Expand all-day, two-way GO service to leave every 15 minutes during peak periods, and every 30 minutes off-peak, including weekend service

    "Expand all-day, two-way GO service to leave every 15 minutes during peak periods and every 30 minutes off peak, including weekend service. Offer at least one express service each way during weekday peak periods" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Offer at least one GO express service each way during weekday peak periods
  • Set up clean, affordable, accessible intercity bus service, with connections in small, rural communities, and dedicated bus lanes

    "Establish a clean, affordable, accessible intercity electric bus service to connect communities across the province, ensuring connections in small, rural communities and dedicated bus lanes" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Northern air travel

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We don't have any PC policies on Northern air travel.


  • Upgrade runways and terminal buildings, increase staffing levels, expand service hours, and ensure de-icing equipment at northern airports

    "An NDP government will make urgently needed improvements to Northern Airports that are critical for 29 Ontario First Nations that are accessible only by air. We will upgrade runways and terminal buildings, increase staffing levels, expand service hours, and ensure de-icing equipment at all airports." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20

We don't have any Liberal policies on Northern air travel.
We don't have any Green policies on Northern air travel.

Public transit

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  • Take control of Ottawa's LRT network, and integrate it with Metrolinx

    "A re-elected PC government would upload the Ottawa LRT, subject to due diligence, and integrate its operations under Metrolinx. This integration would create new opportunities to reduce costs and improve services through greater economies of scale and expertise in managing large projects, particularly as the LRT project completes Stage 2 and begins Stage 3 expansion." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Build multiple new GO rail lines

    "When fully realized, GO 2.0 would support the creation of multiple new lines, including a line running through mid-town Toronto, a line from Bolton to Union Station via Woodbridge and Etobicoke, as well as extensions and improvements to existing lines, including Richmond Hill." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Move up the Sheppard East subway extension to connect the TTC's Line 4 with the Scarborough Subway Extension at Sheppard Ave E & McGowan Rd

    "Moving up the Sheppard East subway extension to connect the TTC’s Line 4 with the Scarborough Subway Extension at Sheppard Ave. East and McCowan Road." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

  • Extend the Hazel McCallion LRT by building the Mississauga loop and bringing the line into downtown Brampton via a tunnel

    "Extend the Hazel McCallion LRT by building the Mississauga loop and bringing the line into downtown Brampton, including tunnelling the Brampton portion of the transitway." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Install charging plug ports, cup holders, and improved wifi on all Metrolinx GO trains and Northlander trains

    "Install charging plug ports, cup holders and improved Wi-Fi on all Metrolinx GO trains and Northlander trains to make travelling and commuting more convenient and enjoyable." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Provide two-way, all-day GO rail service for Milton and Kitchener
  • Seek to build a freight rail bypass along the Highway 407 corridor in the Peel Region to free up existing rails for passenger train service

    "Working in partnership with the federal government, CPKC and CN to ensure continued and reliable freight rail access throughout the region, a re-elected PC government would seek to build a freight rail bypass along the Highway 407 corridor in Peel Region that would take freight rail around the City of Toronto to reduce congestion and free up existing rail capacity for passenger train service." —, retrieved 2025-02-19


  • Fund Phase 2 of the Waterloo ION LRT
  • Cost share municipal transit operating funding 50-50

    "We’ll cost share municipal transit operating funding 50-50 to improve reliability and affordability." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Include the Mississauga Loop as part of the Hazel McCallion Line
  • Extend LRT into downtown Brampton
  • Expand the GO Lakeshore West rail line, build the Grimsby GO station, and restore reliable express GO service

    "Commuters in Niagara will finally be able to ride on the long-planned and long-delayed expansions and improvements to the GO Lakeshore West rail line, including moving ahead on the Grimsby GO station and restoring reliable express GO service." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Provide two-way all-day GO service to Kitchener, Guelph, Brampton, Niagara, London, and Bowmanville


  • Take ownership of the Ottawa LRT and expand it
  • Electrify and increase GO service throught the GTA and southwestern Ontario
  • Hire 300 more special constables for the TTC, OC Transpo, Metrolinks, and other major transit providers

    "Hire an additional 300 special constables for TTC, OC Transpo, Metrolinx and other major transit service providers across the province." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide operational funding for safety equipment like cameras for transit services
  • Install platform doors in all TTC subway stations


  • Take responsibility for funding transit that used to be provincially-funded

    "Upload costs to the province that had previously been unfairly downloaded onto municipalities like community housing, shelters, and transit funding" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Walkable, bikeable communities

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  • Remove bike lanes from busy streets, including Bloor Street West, Younge Street, and University Ave

    "Return sanity to bike lanes by removing them from the busiest streets in the province, starting with Bloor Street West, Yonge Street and University Avenue in Toronto, and replacing them on secondary roads." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Block any future municipal bike lanes that would reduce vehicle traffic lanes

    "The province will veto and block any future municipal bike lanes that would eliminate a lane of vehicle traffic." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

We don't have any ONDP policies on Walkable, bikeable communities.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Walkable, bikeable communities.


  • Amend zoning rules to allow for small businesses such as corner stores and cafes to open within residential neighbourhoods
  • Create a predictable, annual infrastructure fund for safe walking, cycling, and mobility devices for municipalities
  • Stop the province from interfering with municipal transit plans like bike lanes
  • End mandatory minimum parking requirements for all new developments