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Society & Government platforms

Here's what the Ontario 2025 parties are promising.

Arts and culture

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We don't have any PC policies on Arts and culture.


  • Strongly support Ontario Creates and Ontario Arts Council programmes

    "And we will strongly support Ontario Creates and Ontario Arts Council programs to ensure people throughout the arts and culture sector have the support and respect they need." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Grow and promote francophone book publishing, film and television, live performance, and cultural festivals

    "We will also partner with Ontario’s francophone community to grow and promote book publishing, film and television, live performance, and cultural festivals in French — a key thread in the tapestry of our province." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Liberal policies on Arts and culture.
We don't have any Green policies on Arts and culture.


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We don't have any PC policies on Budgets.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Budgets.


  • Try to save 2.5% annually

    "Undertake an ambitious Saving Annually through Value and Efficiency (SAVE) process that will aim to achieve 2.5% of annual savings and value enhancement for Ontario taxpayers." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create an Office of Cost Control to oversee major public sector procurement projects and spending at both the municipal and provincial level

    "Create an Office of Cost Control which will have the responsibility for oversight on all major public sector procurement projects and spending at both the municipal and provincial level, including reviewing the significant overspending on recent transportation projects. We will also leverage the best available Canadian innovation, technology and artificial intelligence (AI), cut down on outsourcing, improve efficiency and project delivery, and better focus the province on what it can do best." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Green policies on Budgets.

Child welfare and children in care

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We don't have any PC policies on Child welfare and children in care.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Child welfare and children in care.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Child welfare and children in care.


  • End for-profit care and introduce province-wide licensing of group homes

    "End for-profit care and introduce provincewide licensing of group homes to ensure our services place children at the centre of care" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Update the funding formula to provide greater financial stability, prioritising culturally-responsive, trauma-informed, community-based care

    "Develop an updated funding formula that brings greater financial stability to the sector and prioritises the delivery of non-profit high-quality, culturally responsive, trauma-informed, community-based care that empowers children and youth" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ensure children's aid societies have access to complex care, housing, and financial supports

    "Ensure children’s aid societies have access to the complex care, housing and financial supports needed to support families to be successful" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Sufficiently fund community-based organisations and providers to ensure access to affirming and inclusive care for those with complex needs

    "Ensure access to affirming and inclusive care for those with complex needs by sufficiently funding community-based organisations and service providers to deliver highly specialised, intensive and licensed out-of- home care" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create a strategy to recruit, train, and retain foster families and spaces for respite

    "Create a strategy to recruit, train and retain foster families and spaces for respite." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Prioritise family- and community-based foster placements by ensuring kin and alternate caregivers receive financial assistance and supports

    "Prioritise family- and community-based placements by ensuring kin and alternate caregivers receive adequate financial assistance and have timely access to local supports, services, and treatment" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Shift the Ready, Set, Go to a readiness-based system with individualised transition supports and no aging out

    "Shift the Ready, Set, Go to a readiness-based system with no aging out, ensuring adequate integrated and individualised transition supports are available" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Support Indigenous-led child welfare and protection services

    "Support Indigenous-led child welfare and protection services to ensure they can address the unique needs of the children in their care, and keep children in their communities." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Produce annual reports on the number and proportion of Indigenous children who are in care

Community services and libraries

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We don't have any PC policies on Community services and libraries.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Community services and libraries.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Community services and libraries.


  • Increase funding for local libraries, community centres, and neighbourhood coalitions

    "Increase funding for local libraries, community centres and neighbour- hood coalitions, which play an important role in encouraging community connections and reducing isolation for elders" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide free and low-cost community hubs in schools

    "Provide free and low-cost community hubs in schools, including but not limited to covering costs for free evening, weekend, March break, and summer permits for non-profit community organisations" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Give start-up funding for community-owned food markets and increase support for community gardens with land gifts and organisational support

    "Provide start-up funding for community-owned food markets and increase support for community gardens through land gifts and organisational support to eliminate urban food deserts" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22


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We don't have any PC policies on Disabilities.


  • Double social assistance rates for ODSP and OW

    "We will double social assistance rates for ODSP and OW to get people out of deep poverty and boost the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit program to help more people move out of shelters into homes, freeing up shelter beds in the process." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Permanently double the Ontario Disability Support Program benefits and index it to inflation

    "Permanently double the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits and index it to inflation so that Ontario’s most vulnerable are not left behind." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Improve the Assistive Devices Program with more up-to-date devices, training, and fewer barriers to access

    "Improve the Assistive Devices Pro- gram to better meet the needs of those requiring assistive tools, including more up-to-date devices, training, and fewer barriers to access as well as ensuring appropriate standards for repair of devices" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ensure that new affordable housing stock is accessible and require affordable housing retrofits to meet the same standards
  • Commit to fulfilling all commitments in the Accessible Ontario Pledge by the AODA Alliance
  • Immediately increase funding for community living agencies, including the Passport and Special Services at Home programmes

    "Immediately increase funding for community living agencies across Ontario, including the Passport and Special Services at Home programs, in line with both cost of living and the needs of developmentally delayed adults" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ensure supports for housecleaning and other needs for people with disabilities
  • Phase in a basic income, with an initial doubling of ODSP and OW rates and elimination of unfair clawbacks

    "Phase in a Basic Income, with the first step being to at least double the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW) rates and get rid of aggressive and unfair clawbacks, including clawbacks from the Canada Disability Benefit

    1. Eliminate any unnecessary red tape, reporting requirements, and other barriers typically faced by those needing financial support
    2. Remove ODSP from the purview of Employment Ontario
    3. Ensure shelter allowances reflect the shelter costs where people live"

    Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Elections and democratic engagement

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We don't have any PC policies on Elections and democratic engagement.


  • Replace first-past-the-post with a mixed-member proportional voting system

    "We will reform our voting system to make it fair and more inclusive, replacing first-past-the-post with a mixed-member proportional voting system where every vote counts. We will consult with the public, civil society and other political parties to design a made-in-Ontario voting system that reflects the needs of our communities." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Liberal policies on Elections and democratic engagement.


  • Create a diverse, randomly selected Citizens Assembly on electoral reform to provide binding recommendations on modernising elections

    "Create a diverse, randomly selected Citizens Assembly on electoral reform with a mandate to provide binding recommendations on modernising Ontario's electoral system to ensure that every vote counts and that the legislature reflects the democratic will of the people" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Allow municipalities the option to use a ranked ballot voting system for elections
  • Reduce donation limits for municipal elections and provincial political parties, candidates, and riding associations to $1,000/year/person
  • Restore Auditor General oversight of government advertising
  • Increase the number of mobile polls at hospitals, seniors' residences, and for people with accessibility issues

    "Increase the number of mobile polls at hospitals, seniors’ residences, and for people with accessibility issues which prohibit them from easily leaving their homes" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Enforce strict accessibility standards at voting stations
  • Fund non-profits that provide training & mentorship opportunities for women, racialised, & 2SLGBTQIA+ people considering running for office

    "Make funding available for non-profit organisations that provide additional training and mentorship opportunities for women, Black, Indigenous, racialised, and 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals who are considering running for political office" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Reduce the voting age to 16 years old
  • Create new channels to give citizens a voice in provincial decision-making

    "Increase the quality and quantity of local public input in provincial decision-making by creating new channels to give citizens a voice, both through MPPs and ministries" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Allow the introduction of electronic petitions to the Ontario Legislature


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We don't have any PC policies on Franco-Ontarians.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Franco-Ontarians.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Franco-Ontarians.


  • Restore the independent office of the French Language Services Commissioner
  • Ensure that interpreters, translators, or multilingual written materials are available in publicly-funded services

    "Ensure that interpreters, translators, or multilingual written materials are available in publicly funded services. Improve awareness of their availability" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Provide tools for non-profit organisations to have French language resources

Gender equity

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We don't have any PC policies on Gender equity.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Gender equity.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Gender equity.


  • Require a minimum proportion of women on public corporations' boards and executive level positions

    "Require a minimum proportion of women on public corporations’ boards and executive level positions, with a goal to achieve gender parity" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Re-enact the Pay Transparency Act

    "Re-enact the Pay Transparency Act, a vital tool for addressing the gender pay gap in this province, which was repealed by this government" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Apply a gender-based analysis to all government legislation and programming

    "Apply a gender-based analysis to all government legislation and programming to advise on how gender equity can be better achieved" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Government favouritism and conflicts of interest

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We don't have any PC policies on Government favouritism and conflicts of interest.


  • Strengthen lobbying rules and the Members Integrity Act

    "The Ontario NDP will strengthen lobbying rules and the Members Integrity Act, ensuring decisions are made in the public’s best interest— not for profit-driven political friends." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Investigate the previous government's deals

    ""Lead an across-government effort to spend taxpayers’ money wisely and invest the savings back into economic stimulus and health care.

    Investigate all of Doug Ford’s giveaways, handouts, and sweetheart deals for his rich friends, including the:

    $1.9 billion spent on speeding up the sale of booze by multinational corporations, big grocers, and foreign retail giants

    $100 million deal with Elon Musk (noted Donald Trump insider) and Starlink Snap closure of the Ontario Science Centre on land primed for development

    $2 billion sell-off of Ontario Place to a foreign-owned spa

    Sweetheart deal to open ServiceOntario outlets in private American-owned stores $8 billion Greenbelt giveaway to his friends and donors, an issue that is currently being investigated by the RCMP

    Dozens of crony patronage appointments at public institutions like the LCBO, Ontario Power Generation, the Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee and more

    MZO’s Doug Ford gave to his rich buddies"

    Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Require a five-year cooling off period before MPPs and government advisors can register as lobbyists

Indigenous reconciliation

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We don't have any PC policies on Indigenous reconciliation.


  • Establish government-to-government relationships with First Nations
  • Any policies impacting First Nations will be guided by the principles of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent, as a matter of law

    "Any policies impacting First Nations will be guided by the principles of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), as a matter of law, across government." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Formalise a commitment to a tripartite consultation process on any proposed resource extraction plan impacting First Nations territories

    "And we’ll formalize our commitment to a tripartite consultation process between First Nations rights holders, the provincial government, and resource industries on any proposed plan impacting First Nations territories." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Sign resource revenue agreements to share revenues equitably with First Nations, with First Nations receiving 100% of mining tax revenues

    "An NDP government will ensure, through resource revenue agreements that revenues are equitably shared and flow to First Nations, including 100% of mining tax revenues." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Support First Nations knowledge keepers, Indigenous language programmes, and land-based educational initiatives
  • Work to fulfill Ontario's outstanding obligations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's recommendations

    "We’ll work to fulfill Ontario’s obligations to the outstanding Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations, and we’ll make Truth and Reconciliation Day a statutory provincial holiday." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Make Truth and Reconciliation Day a statutory provincial holiday
We don't have any Liberal policies on Indigenous reconciliation.


  • Implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

    "Implement UNDRIP to ensure equity for Indigenous peoples" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Establish true nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous peoples
  • Recognise First Nations' right to self-determination and establish a co-management stewardship model for resources with fair revenue sharing

    "Recognise First Nations’ right to self-determination and establish a co-management stewardship model for the development of provincial resources with fair revenue sharing" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Integrate Indigenous laws and legal traditions in negotiation and implementation processes of treaties, land claims, and other agreements

    "Recognise and integrate Indigenous laws and legal traditions in the nego- tiation and implementation process- es involving treaties, land claims, and other constructive agreements" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Establish Indigenous-led co-governance processes for natural resource and energy projects, and land-use planning
  • Support Indigenous-led child welfare and protection services

    "Support Indigenous-led child welfare and protection services to ensure they can address the unique needs of the children in their care, and keep children in their communities." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create a fair, open, and independent land claims process for land to be restored to Indigenous treaty holders

    "Create a fair, open and independent land claims process for land to be restored to Indigenous treaty holders and support Indigenous land defenders in asserting their treaty rights and actions taken to confront threats to their traditional lands" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Produce annual reports on the number and proportion of Indigenous children who are in care
  • Make the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday
  • Fast-track implementation of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • Work with the National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation to identify, collect, and provide copies of records relevant to residential schools

    "Work with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation to identify, collect, and provide copies of all records relevant to the history and legacy of the residential school system in Ontario" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people

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We don't have any PC policies on Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people.


  • Develop a Framework to End Violence Against Women

    "Develop a Framework to End Violence Against Women, aligned with the 2007 report by the Ontario Native Women’s Association and the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres as mandated by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls report" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22


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  • Start a Pothole Prevention Fund to support municipalities with road maintenance funds

    "Launch the Pothole Prevention Fund, which will support municipalities with road maintenance funds to help make Ontario roads safer and prevent accidents and vehicle damage that can occur from potholes." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Standardise road building technical standards across the province
  • Centralise all government capital projects and contracting under Infrastructure Ontario, accountable to the Ministry of Infrastructure
  • Take responsible for municipal building approvals for provincially-led or funded schools, hospitals, care homes, courthouses, etc.

    "[...] uploading municipal building approvals for provincially-led and/or provincially-funded schools, hospitals, long-term care homes, courthouses, union training centres and other critical infrastructure projects." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Invest another $5B in housing, long-term care, energy, transportation, and municipal infrastructure projects

    "Providing another $5 billion for the Building Ontario Fund, for a total of $8 billion, to invest in housing, long-term care, energy, transportation and municipal infrastructure projects." —, retrieved 2025-02-19


  • Provide consistent formula-based funding to municipalities to maintain, snow-clear, and repair infrastructure

    "We will provide adequate, predictable and consistent formula-based provincial funding to ensure that municipalities are able to maintain, snow-clear and repair their roads, bridges and other infrastructure, with additional support for small and Northern municipalities that must look after large areas with small tax bases." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for the North, retrieved 2025-02-20


  • Prioritise infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, roads, and public transit


  • Provide $2B/year for capital spending for municipalities to build resilient infrastructure

    "Provide $2B per year for capital spending for municipalities to build resilient infrastructure through a dedicated Climate Adaptation Fund" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Intimate partner violence

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We don't have any PC policies on Intimate partner violence.


  • Recognise intimate partner violence as an epidemic

    "We will recognize Intimate Partner Violence as an epidemic, and ensure survivors have the support they need to get on their feet, including emergency shelters." — On Your Side: The Ontario NDP Plan for Southwest Ontario & Niagara, retrieved 2025-02-20

  • Direct Ministries to coordinate improved access to services for survivors
  • Restore the full Victims Compensation Fund
We don't have any Liberal policies on Intimate partner violence.


  • Enact the Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024 into law
  • Increase funding for Sexual Assault Centres, emergency shelters, transitional housing, safe centre hubs, and legal supports

Justice system

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  • Focus the judicial selection criteria and process to select judges and justices of the peace who are tougher on defendants

    "Reducing criminal court backlogs and ensuring justice for victims by continuing to invest $30 million to hire over 190 new criminal prosecutors and appointing new judges and justices of the peace . A re-elected PC government will also focus the judicial selection criteria and process to select judges and justices of the peace that uphold the Criminal Code and are tough on crime." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Expand the use of GPS monitoring bracelets for people granted bail, and charge defendants a fee to offset the cost of GPS monitoring

    "Expanding the use of GPS monitoring bracelets for people granted bail and requiring offenders to pay a fee to offset the cost of administering the GPS Monitoring Program to improve community safety and save taxpayers millions of dollars each year." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Mandate upfront payment of bail bond deposits

    "Making bail payment real and effective by mandating upfront payment of bail bond deposits." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Build more jails

    "Building more jails so that we have enough capacity to keep dangerous criminals off our streets and behind bars, where they belong ." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Increase access to addictions treatment units in jails, including as a condition to probation

    "Increasing access to addictions treatment units in jails, including as a condition of probation, to help people exit the vicious cycle of crime and addiction and keep communities safe." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Expand the use and scope of practice for opioid antagonists and partial agonists medications in correctional and community settings

    "Expanding the use and scope of practice for opioid antagonists and partial agonists medications in correctional and community settings to combat long-term addiction and dependence by increasing access to medications that block the effects of opioids." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Hire and increase pay to court staff to increase the hours courtrooms are open
  • Complete courtroom repairs and consider reopening shuttered courthouses
  • Build new courthouses in under-served regions

    "Completing courtroom repairs, considering reopening shuttered courthouses, and building new courthouses in regions where there is not enough existing infrastructure." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Fund Legal Aid Ontario

    "Funding Legal Aid Ontario so more Ontarians can access procedural assistance, legal information and legal advice." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Create Bail Courts for high-risk and repeat offenders accused of violent crimes of drug offences

    "Train more officers to get crime and drugs off our streets and launch special Bail Courts for high-risk and repeat offenders involved with illegal drug and fentanyl trafficking, firearm offences, robberies, home invasion, carjacking and auto-theft." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Reform the current bail system to ensure access to fair and fast trials and prevent the overcrowding of prisons

    "Reform the current bail system to ensure the 80% of people in jail awaiting trial have access to fair and fast trials and to prevent the overcrowding of prisons" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Reform the justice system to reduce the disproportionate representation of Black, Indigenous, and racialised people
  • Destroy all data collected from police carding
  • Ensure that court mental health workers are available in all regions to divert more individuals with a mental health issue or substance use

    "Ensure that court mental health workers are available in all regions of Ontario to divert more individuals living with a mental health issue and/or substance use concern out of the justice system and into mental health and addictions services and supports" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Increase Legal Aid's budget and develop a long-term, structurally-stable funding plan

    "Restore adequate funding to Legal Aid by boosting their base budget and develop a long-term, structurally stable funding plan" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

LGBTQ+ rights and access

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We don't have any PC policies on LGBTQ+ rights and access.
We don't have any ONDP policies on LGBTQ+ rights and access.
We don't have any Liberal policies on LGBTQ+ rights and access.


  • Create a comprehensive strategy to ensure equitable, inclusive, and affirming access to care and treatment within the healthcare system

    "Create a comprehensive strategy to ensure equitable, inclusive and affirming access to care and treatment for 2SLGBTQIA+ communities within our healthcare system including gender-affirming procedures and medications" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Dedicate resources and funding to directly support 2SLGBTQIA+ youth groups and wellness hubs
  • Require ongoing educational training about 2SLGBTQIA+ identities, gender, sexuality, and racism for those providing publicly funded services

    "Require ongoing educational training about 2SLGBTQIA+ identities, gender and sexuality, and examine prejudice, assumptions, and privilege that builds awareness of homo/bi/transphobia and racism for those providing publicly funded services" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Mandate standards to have safe, accessible, all-gender washrooms in all public spaces

Municipal government

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We don't have any PC policies on Municipal government.
We don't have any ONDP policies on Municipal government.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Municipal government.


  • Give municipalities autonomy to implement revenue tools to fund critical infrastructure needs and services
  • Reinstate upper-tier regional planning authority

    "Reinstate upper-tier regional planning authority to ensure coordinated and sustainable planning to build the housing we need while protecting agricultural and natural heritage" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Increase collaboration and consultation between municipalities and the province
  • Assess the use of City Charters as a mechanism to empower major Ontario cities

    "Assess the use of City Charters as a mechanism to empower major Ontario cities, such as Toronto, and prevent inappropriate interference in local democracy by the provincial government" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Remove strong mayor powers
  • Allow municipalities the option to use a ranked ballot voting system for elections

Ontario's Greenbelt

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We don't have any PC policies on Ontario's Greenbelt.


  • Focus urban growth within pre-2022 urban boundaries to protect the Greenbelt and prime farmland, and keep infrastructure costs down

    "We will protect the Greenbelt, and Ontario’s prime farmland, by focusing growth sustainably and cost-effectively within the pre-2022 urban boundaries, keeping infrastructure costs down in the process." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Freeze urban boundaries and reverse recent boundary expansions
  • Prioritise housing where roads and sewers already exist

    "Reverse the Ford government’s changes to the Provincial Planning Statement that encourage sprawl and instead prioritise housing where roads and sewers already exist" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Prevent flooding by stopping the paving of wetlands, including by banning 400 series highways in the Greenbelt

    "In addition to supporting farmers by stopping the paving of prime farmland, we’ll also protect your basement from flooding by stopping the paving of wet- lands. Wetlands act as a critical buffer to protect our homes from flooding, absorbing rainwater during intense storms that are only increasing in intensity, frequency and cost due to climate change. Unfortunately, Doug Ford’s approach of destroying wetlands with wasteful projects like Highway 413, and his attack on Conservation Authorities, is increasing the risk of your home flooding in the next big storm. In addition to protecting wetlands, we’ll make it easier for families to flood-proof their basements with zero-interest loans, and support cities to spruce up their roads, bridges and buildings to be ready for the next torrential downpour." — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Restore the independence and capacity of the Greenbelt Council and Niagara Escarpment Commission

    "Restore the independence and ca- pacity of the Greenbelt Council and Niagara Escarpment Commission to enable decision-making consistent with the goals and objectives of those provincial plans" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

Parks and greenspace

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  • Open a new all-season provincial park near the Town of Bracebridge

    "A re-elected Ontario PC government will open the first new, all-season provincial park in 40 years to focus on building stronger and healthier communities by expanding recreational opportunities for families to enjoy . The Bigwind Lake Provincial Park, located near the Town of Bracebridge, will offer facilities and recreational activities including swimming, hiking, cross- country skiing, and add around 250 new campsites to the Ontario Parks system." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

We don't have any ONDP policies on Parks and greenspace.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Parks and greenspace.


  • Support municipalities to create infill greenspaces in all neighbourhoods
  • Cancel the Ontario Place Spa redevelopment and parking lot and build a public park and waterfront project instead

Public safety

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  • Invest more than $70M to help police dismantle organised crime networks
  • Set stiffer penalties for auto thieves

    "Cracking down on auto theft by investing more than $70 million in new measures to help police dismantle organized crime networks, along with stiffer penalties for auto thieves, including a life-time driver’s license ban for repeat offenders and the strongest penalties in Canada for VIN fraud, including up to $100,000 in fines and six months in jail, alongside strengthened measures and technology at Service Ontario to eliminate all transactions involving stolen vehicles." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Eliminate tuition fees for Basic Constable Training
  • Invest $1B for a new and renovated Ontario Police College and Ontario Provincial Police Academy

    "Continue supporting our brave men and women in policing by graduating an additional 550 police officers each year for a total 2,080 annually, eliminating tuition fees for Basic Constable Training to incentivize new recruits and investing $1 billion for a new and renovated Ontario Police College and Ontario Provincial Police Academy to help improve and expand police training in our province." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Invest $38M to extend the Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant to help faith-based and cultural organisations implement security measures

    "$38 million to extend the Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant to help faith-based and cultural organizations implement measures to ensure their community spaces remain safe and secure, such as hiring security staff, surveillance cameras, security assessments, cybersecurity and building repairs." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

  • Expand the Sex Offender Registry to include more types of offenses, and name and shame people on it

    "Expanding and strengthening the Sex Offender Registry to include more types of offenses, such as human trafficking, to hold more criminals to account by naming and shaming those that are convicted of these heinous crimes. This is on top of the enhancements to Christopher’s Law that our PC government passed making it illegal for sex offenders to change their names and hide their identities." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26

We don't have any ONDP policies on Public safety.


  • Train more police officers

    "Train more officers to get crime and drugs off our streets and launch special Bail Courts for high-risk and repeat offenders involved with illegal drug and fentanyl trafficking, firearm offences, robberies, home invasion, carjacking and auto-theft." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Hire 300 more special constables for the TTC, OC Transpo, Metrolinks, and other major transit providers

    "Hire an additional 300 special constables for TTC, OC Transpo, Metrolinx and other major transit service providers across the province." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Offer a rebate for equipment that deters crime with $500 for homes, $5K for small businesses, and $10K for religious/cultural institutions

    "Safeguard communities and assist policy to monitor and catch criminals by introducing the SAFE Rebate (Supporting Access to Funding for Equipment) that offers up to $500 rebate for homes, $5,000 rebate for small businesses and $10,000 rebate for religious/cultural institutions to purchase safety equipment that deters auto-theft, robberies and other criminal activities." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ban hate-motivated activities and protests that intimidate or incite violence within 100 metres of social infrastructure, with $100K fines

    "Ban organizing or participating in hate-motivated activities or protests that incite violence or intimidation within 100 metres of the property line of any vulnerable social infrastructure (ex. place of worship, school, childcare centre, or hospital) anywhere in the province, and impose a maximum fine of $100,000 for each violation." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22

We don't have any Green policies on Public safety.


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  • Invest $38M to extend the Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant to help faith-based and cultural organisations implement security measures

    "$38 million to extend the Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant to help faith-based and cultural organizations implement measures to ensure their community spaces remain safe and secure, such as hiring security staff, surveillance cameras, security assessments, cybersecurity and building repairs." — Our Plan to Protect Ontario, retrieved 2025-02-26


  • Re-establish the Anti-Racism Secretariat

    "We will re-establish the Anti-Racism Secretariat to support communities to stamp out hate. The Secretariat will coordinate collection across government to ensure programs and services meet our equity goals." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create anti-racism councils to advocate on behalf of racialised communities

    "We will create Anti- Racism Councils to advocate on behalf of racialized communities and provide information, advice and recommendations to the government, through the minister, on all ethnocultural matters, including anti-racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, and education, human rights, immigration, settlement and cultural and linguistic diversity and heritage." — On Your Side, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Ban hate-motivated activities and protests that intimidate or incite violence within 100 metres of social infrastructure, with $100K fines

    "Ban organizing or participating in hate-motivated activities or protests that incite violence or intimidation within 100 metres of the property line of any vulnerable social infrastructure (ex. place of worship, school, childcare centre, or hospital) anywhere in the province, and impose a maximum fine of $100,000 for each violation." — Getting the Basics Right: A Plan to Do More For You, retrieved 2025-02-22


  • Strengthen the Anti-Racism Directorate with increased funding, more objective goals, and improved reporting

    "Strengthen the Anti-Racism Directorate to more ambitiously address systemic racism in education, child welfare, health and justice sectors through increased funding, more objective goals, and improved reporting on data outcomes" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Create an oversight body to advise the province to prevent systemic racism in new policy and programmes
  • Work to end discrimination in the public service with random external audits, data collection and reporting, and a safe reporting system

    "Commit to the elimination of racism and discrimination within the Ontario Public Service ensuring this includes conducting random external audits, data collection and reporting, and establishing a safe harassment and discrimination reporting system for staff" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Ensure the Human Rights Tribunal has adequate resources to address each concern in a timely and effective way

    "Bolster the Human Rights Tribunal to ensure that they have adequate resources to address each concern in a timely and effective way" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Pass the Our London Family Act to address Islamaphobia

    "Pass the Our London Family Act to change the way we address Islamophobia in Ontario" — Our Plan for Fairness, retrieved 2025-02-22

  • Reform the justice system to reduce the disproportionate representation of Black, Indigenous, and racialised people
  • Destroy all data collected from police carding

Sports and recreation

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  • Add $300M to the Community Sport and Recreation Fund to build sports facilities and community infrastructure

    "Increasing the Community Sport and Recreation Fund by $300 million to help build more rinks, arenas, sports centres and other community infrastructure." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

We don't have any ONDP policies on Sports and recreation.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Sports and recreation.
We don't have any Green policies on Sports and recreation.

US border

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  • Invest $50M to expand the OPP's Joint-Air Support Unit with two more H-135 helicopters to support border patrols

    "Investing $50 million to expand the Ontario Provincial Police’s (OPP) Joint-Air Support Unit with two additional H-135 helicopters to support the Niagara Regional Police and the Windsor Police Service with increased patrols, security and enforcement at key border entry points for the province. The Joint-Air Support Unit was created by the PC government through a $134 million investment in last year’s budget, with new police helicopters to help police in Ottawa, Toronto, Durham, Halton and Peel fight auto theft and combat organized crime." —, retrieved 2025-02-19

We don't have any ONDP policies on US border.
We don't have any Liberal policies on US border.
We don't have any Green policies on US border.