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Tracy Van Raes

Independent for Penticton School Board
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Tracy is a Mother of 2 with 1 child who is a student in our district. Tracy herself is a graduate of SD67 having lived in the South Okanagan for over 30 years. She has been a Trustee for 4 years and would love your vote of confidence for another term!

Tracy Van Raes is seeking re-election for School Board Trustee for School District 67 – Okanagan Skaha.

Tracy is a strong voice and advocate for student success. She is extremely active in the community and involved in various organizations including the Rotary Club of Penticton’s Starfish Pack Program which provides weekend food assistance to over 80 children in Penticton on a weekly basis. Tracy has a proven track record at the board table of effecting positive change including improved communication with stakeholders, fiscal transparency and increased district morale. She has been elected as the Chair of the “Business Committee” for SD67 by her peers for all 4 years of her term.

In addition to the School Board, she is the Marketing and Community Relations Manager at Total Restoration Services.

Tracy is running for a second term because there is unfinished business in the district with the need to complete the Long Range Facility Plan. School district 67 is down in enrolment by 2000 students. It's time to "right size" the district. It is time to stop investing money in maintaining, cleaning and heating buildings that sit half empty and start investing into programs that benefit student success. Did you know that Summerland Secondary School doesn't have a band program? Did you know that Princess Margaret Secondary School was unable to run a Calculus course this year? The time has come to make some tough decisions. This time it will be done with proper public engagement, 100% transparency and in the best interest of ALL students.

Tracy would be honored to have YOUR vote of confidence on or before October 15th.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
Tracy has a passion for student success. She believes in inclusive education for all. She spends time in schools through volunteer work, the school board & her own child who is a student in SD67. Tracy wants to continue to effect positive change in our district.

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