Climate Change & the Environment platforms

Here's what the candidates in Tantramar, and their parties, are promising.

Air quality

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  • Require all new schools, hospitals, long-term care homes, and other public buildings have modern air filtration, heating, & cooling systems

    "Our government will require that all new schools, hospitals, long-term care homes, and other public buildings have modern air filtration, heating, and cooling systems, following ASHRAE 241. For existing infrastructure, we will add suitable air filtration and cooling units." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Create an Indoor Air Quality Act for provincially-funded buildings

    "Protect students, long-term care residents and patients at hospitals by creating an Indoor Air Quality Act for provincially funded buildings." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Ensure homeowners with an annual combined gross household income under $100K are eligible for funding for radon gas remediation

    "Develop a province-wide radon testing action plan, ensuring that homeowners with an annual combined gross household income under $100,000 are eligible for funding for radon gas remediation." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Air quality.

Carbon pricing

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  • Work with the federal government to make big emitters bear the brunt of the price on carbon

    "While we move to a 100 percent non-emitting grid, we will work with the federal government to ensure big emitters bear the brunt of the price on carbon." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Replace the consumer carbon price with a cap and trade pricing system

    "Replace the consumer carbon tax with a cap and trade pricing system that will shift the carbon tax burden to the biggest polluters, to ensure they pay their fair share." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

Climate adaptation

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  • Grow a garden, get some chickens, love your pets, don't throw trash on the ground.


  • Review and update the emergency preparedness plan to deal with increasingly frequent extreme climate change-related weather events

    "Review and update our emergency preparedness plan for dealing with the increasing number of extreme climate change-related weather events." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Implement a coastal erosion plan

    "Implement a coastal erosion plan to protect communities." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Close cell coverage and high-speed internet gaps


  • Create a fund to make infrastructure investments to safeguard communities from flooding, coastal erosion, and violent weather

    "Create a Climate Change Risk Reduction Fund to make the infrastructure investments required to safeguard vulnerable communities from flooding, coastal erosion, and violent weather." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Create a Coastal Protection Authority to coordinate efforts to protect communities and infrastructure

    "Establish a Coastal Protection Authority to coordinate efforts to protect communities and infrastructure along New Brunswick’s 2,250 km of coastline." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Improve cell phone and internet coverage across the province to ensure timely, life-saving info is accessible

    "Improve cell phone and internet coverage across New Brunswick to ensure timely, life-saving information is accessible during floods, fires, and severe weather." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Work with affected communities, Nova Scotia, and the federal government to address storm surges and flooding within the Chignecto Isthmus

    "Work with affected communities, Nova Scotia, and the federal government to ensure the potential negative impacts from storm surges and flooding within the Chignecto Isthmus are addressed, and work is appropriately funded to safeguard the communities, their economies, and the essential Canadian transportation link." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Climate adaptation.


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  • Increase conservation of lands and waters from 10% to 15%
  • Work with communities, First Nations, and experts to create a plan for 30% conservation


  • Permanently protect 30% of the province by 2030

    "Develop an action plan with conservation groups, local governments and First Nations to ensure that at least 30% of the province is permanently protected by 2030." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Negotiate a new framework for Crown lands management with First Nations

    "Negotiate a new framework for Crown lands management with First Nations, recognizing that the use of this land is governed by the Peace and Friendship Treaties, and it has never been ceded or surrendered." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Allocate access to Crown land adjacent to communities for economic and social purposes

    "Enable community-based management of Crown land, in partnership with First Nations, by allocating access to Crown land to adjacent communities for economic and social purposes." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • End the forest spraying of herbicides, like glyphosate
  • End large-scale clearcutting on Crown Land
  • Restore private woodlots as the primary source of wood supply to mills
  • Diversify the production of wood products from tree species expected to thrive in a rapidly warming climate

    "Implement a strategy to diversify the production of wood products from tree species expected to thrive in a rapidly warming climate." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Conservation.

Electric vehicles

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  • Grow a garden, get some chickens, love your pets, don't throw trash on the ground.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Electric vehicles.
We don't have any Green policies on Electric vehicles.
We don't have any PC policies on Electric vehicles.

Green construction and retrofits

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  • Grow a garden, get some chickens, love your pets, don't throw trash on the ground.


  • Increase support for home energy retrofits
  • Provide a free heat pump programme
  • Introduce a provincial programme for solar retrofits


  • Provide zero-interest financing to retrofit homes and small rental properties & businesses to reduce energy & heating costs, & install solar

    "Provide zero-interest financing to retrofit homes, small rental properties, and small businesses to reduce energy consumption, cut heating costs, and install solar power." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Increase the number of households eligible for free energy retrofits and heat pumps by raising the income threshold to $100K

    "Raise the household income threshold for the Enhanced Energy Savings Program from $70,000 to $100,000 to increase the number of households eligible for free energy retrofits and heat pumps."

We don't have any PC policies on Green construction and retrofits.

Inter-city transportation

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Inter-city transportation.


  • Create a Provincial Rapid Rail Network using existing rail infrastructure to connect cities and regions to each other and other provinces

    "Establish a Provincial Rapid Rail Network utilizing existing rail infrastructure to connect cities and regions within New Brunswick and neighbouring provinces." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Expand bus service between and within regions
We don't have any PC policies on Inter-city transportation.

Oil and gas industry

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We don't have any Liberal policies on Oil and gas industry.


  • Ban the exploration and extraction of more fossil fuels, such as shale gas
We don't have any PC policies on Oil and gas industry.


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  • Grow a garden, get some chickens, love your pets, don't throw trash on the ground.


  • Update the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act to guarantee everyone the right to clean air and water
  • Investigate alternatives to pesticide and herbicide use
  • Reevaluate the safety of glyphosate with new and comprehensive data specific to New Brunswick
  • Increase restrictions on pesticide and herbicide use, including examining banning aerial spraying

    "Implement the recommendations of the Legislative Assembly’s all-party Standing Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship to increase restrictions on pesticide and herbicide use, including examining the banning of aerial spraying." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Guarantee the right to a healthy environment, including clean air, water, soil, biodiversity; and preventing pollution and climate hazards

    "Adopt legislation to guarantee New Brunswickers have the right to a healthy environment, covering all aspects of environmental protection, including clean air, water, soil, biodiversity, and the prevention of pollution and climate- related hazards." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Pollution.

Power generation

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  • Notice the private power plant is undercutting the price of NBPower? Notice Tobique privately-held hydro dam provides cheapest power in NB?


  • Develop an energy plan to provide affordable, reliable, clean energy

    "Deliver an energy plan that provides affordable, reliable, clean energy for New Brunswickers and New Brunswick businesses." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Move to 80% renewable energy by 2035

    "Eliminate the red tape that prevents home and property owners from readily accessing community-based and rooftop solar power." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Cancel power subsidies to pulp mills and use the savings to provide monthly rebates on power bills to low-income people

    "Cancel the power subsidies to pulp mills and use the savings to provide low-income individuals and families with monthly rebates on their power bills to offset electricity rate increases." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Allow municipalities and First Nation communities to power their operations from NB Power's distribution lines

    "Enable municipalities and First Nation communities to power their operations with renewable energy by allowing them to use NB Power’s distribution lines." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Allocate the best wind energy sites in New Brunswick to public power developments

    "Allocate the best wind energy sites in New Brunswick to public power developments that replace fossil fuel generation, ensuring that private companies do not monopolize these locations for hydrogen production." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Power generation.

Public transit

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  • Large employers, Business Improvement Areas & local Chambers of Commerce should get together to offer free transit to the public...not govt.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Public transit.


  • Expand city transit and public transportation, including commuter rail and bus routes

    "Support the expansion of city transit and public transportation, including commuter rail and bus routes, to reduce energy consumption and transportation costs." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Expand bus service between and within regions
  • Contribute to operational and marketing costs of city transit services

    "Support the expansion of bus service between and within regions and contribute to operational and marketing costs of city transit services to enhance convenience, accessibility, and reduce carbon emissions." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Public transit.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

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  • Grow a garden, get some chickens, love your pets, don't throw trash on the ground.


  • Ensure all government buildings are net-zero by 2035
  • Ensure all government vehicles, including school buses, are electrified by 2035


  • Expand the electric school bus fleet and provide at-home chargers for rural bus drivers

    "Expand the electric school bus fleet and provide at-home chargers for rural bus drivers, like PEI has done." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Walkable, bikable communities

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  • Remove non-voluntary amalgamation, regulations and government fees and taxes, and soon you'll see communities build what suits them best.


  • Increase active transportation infrastructure, including walking and cycling trails

    "Work with communities to increase active transportation infrastructure, including walking and cycling trails, to build healthier communities." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Fund infrastructure to link pedestrian and cycling routes and trails across highways and watercourses and across communities

    "Allocate funds for infrastructure to link active transportation routes and trails across highways and watercourses and across communities." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Walkable, bikable communities.