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Dan Grice

Independent candidate for Chilliwack North
I want to put aside partisan politics and deliver real change for Chilliwack and B.C.


Post-secondary costs and loans

I oppose cuts to University programs.

Climate Change & the Environment

Electric vehicles

I support low cost suburban EVs designed with smaller batteries and for local use.


I support polluter pay economics.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

We can dramatically increase EV usage by making them cheaper.

Walkable, bikable communities

Chilliwack is a great place to bike.


Parental rights and involvement

The schools do a great job with keeping parents informed. We have great teachers who deliver age appropriate content.

Post-secondary costs and loans

I oppose cuts to University programs.

School curriculum

We need to continue to prepare kids who are growing up in the internet era. I support more integrated programs like IATS in Chilliwack.

School nutrition

I’ll continue to support school lunch programs and increase locally grown food.


Drugs and addiction

I support the four pillars approach: harm-reduction, treatment, education and enforcement.

Family doctors and primary care

The best way to increase the number of doctors is to train more.

Gender-affirming care

This is between a doctor and their patients.

Housing & Homelessness

Drugs and addiction

I support the four pillars approach: harm-reduction, treatment, education and enforcement.

Home construction and supply

I support opening up the ALR to allow more small homes (rental and owned) on farm land. This will provide more rental units in Chilliwack.

Home purchases and ownership

Strata farms will make it easier for groups to join to purchase and farm land as well as allow families to fairly split farms amongst kids.

Homeless services

By legalizing housing on farms, farmers will be able to offer work and housing to get people off the street.

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour


My ideas involving strata farms will increase food production by opening the path for community owned farms.

Startups and small businesses

I will support small business and entrepreneurship. I work closely with businesses and will help clean up ineffective regulations.

Society & Government


I strongly believe in balanced budgets. We must reduce spending before making reckless tax cuts.

Justice system

I strongly oppose the NDP's decisions to abolish the law society and threaten lawyer independence.

Public safety

I support mental health initiatives and removing repeat offenders from our communities.

Transgender rights and supports

I believe you treat others as you want others to treat you. I'll respect how others want to be identified and support vulnerable youth.

Electoral Reform

I support ranked ballots and more voter choice.

Term Limits

I believe a health democracy should have term limits for Prime Ministers or Premiers.

Online Voting

I co-authored a paper on establishing a legal framework for online voting for Elections Canada and support voting using smart phones.


submitted by the candidate or their team
I'm a real estate and wills lawyer who has lived in Chilliwack for 11 years since graduating from Law School in Winnipeg in 2013. I'm an independent thinker who focusses on the best policies and not partisan politics.

I was born in BC, and grew up in the Fraser Valley. I'm a lawyer who has lived in Chilliwack for 11 years since graduating from Law School in Winnipeg in 2013. My law practice is a solicitor, meaning that I handle real estate transactions, estates, draft wills, and incorporate businesses. By day, my job requires me to follow legislation passed in B.C, so that I can assist my clients in navigating complex regulatory regimes or advised families on succession planning and tax consequences. I'm an independent thinker who focusses on the best policies and not partisan politics.

Prior to becoming a lawyer, I worked in technology sales and worked with a family's software company. I was highly active in democratic reform (working on all three electoral reform campaigns in BC) and co-authored a paper for Elections Canada on how to make electronic voting safe and secure. My undergraduate degree at UBC focused on the history of democratic systems in ancient Greece and Rome.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
I'm running as an independent to speak out the NDP's plan to abolish the law society and undermine professional independence. At the same time I share your concerns that the BC Conservative Party's plans to cut university funding,

elect.dangrice.com elect.dangrice.com

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