Education platforms

Here's what the BC 2024 parties are promising.


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  • Expand $10-a-day childcare
  • Invest $500M in new accessible, affordable childcare spaces

    "That’s why we’re making a $500 million initial investment to add new desperately needed accessible and affordable child care spaces, initiating a long- term capital plan that will be built with input from families, providers, school districts, municipalities, sector experts and more." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Provide affordable before- and after-school care for kids up to the age of 12 in every school district

    "Deliver affordable before- and after-school care for kids up to age 12 across BC. By working with school districts, education assistants, and other trusted staff, we’ll bring costs down for even more families through affordable before- and after-school care in every school district." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-16

BC Conservatives

  • Fund independent childcare providers to provide $10-a-day childcare spaces

    "Expand $10 a day childcare availability by ending the NDP’s funding bias against independent childcare providers, who are experienced and ready to provide the $10 a day spaces that families need - right now." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • As more $10-a-day spaces become available, prioritise access for kids who have the fewest alternatives
  • Remove unnecessary regulations on childcare

    "Increase the supply of childcare, everywhere by identifying and fixing unnecessary or unreasonable regulations - by any level of government - that prevent high-quality childcare spaces from opening, whether in home-based childcares, commercial spaces, or in public buildings like schools and rec centers." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Review and increase the Affordable Childcare Benefit and BC Family Benefit

    "Provide financial relief for all lower and middle income families. The Affordable Childcare Benefit and BC Family Benefit will be reviewed and increased so families have what they need to look after their kids - whether they prefer childcare outside the house, at home with parents, or with support from family members." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

  • Create 24-hour childcare spaces to support shift workers and first responders
  • Support schools to offer childcare programmes
  • Simplify credential conversion for educators, social workers, and teachers to switch to childcare
  • Allow educators to work as Early Childhood Educator assistants during the summer

BC Greens

  • Provide paid final practicums for teachers and Early Childhood Educators

    "Provide paid final practicums for teachers and Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), offering financial support during their essential training periods." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a universal funding model to reduce administrative burdens for providers

    "Create a universal Early Childhood Education funding model to reduce administrative burdens for childcare providers, allowing them to focus on care. This model will address wage grids, space creation, licensing, staffing, and fee reduction initiatives." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Increase wages for Early Childhood Educators to $30-$40/hour by 2026

    "Implement gradual increases to the ECE wage grid, and reach $30-40 per hour by 2026." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure ECEs have access to pension plans and extended health benefits
  • Provide $250M to expand childcare spaces for children under 5

    "Allocate at least $250 million to expand childcare space creation for children and infants under 5." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide $100M in new funding for renovations and additions to schools to create childcare spaces

    "Provide $100 million in new funding to create a capital program within the Ministry of Education for renovations and additions to schools to support ECE space creation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Expand availability of dedicated school-age childcare spaces across schools, and increase before and after school programme offerings
    1. "Expand the availability of dedicated school-age care spaces across BC schools to meet the needs of working families.
    2. Increase before and after school program offerings to provide flexible childcare solutions for families."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

K-12 funding

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on K-12 funding.

BC Conservatives

  • Bring funding for independent distributed learning schools into parity with government-run distributed learning

    "Reverse the NDP’s cuts to independent distributed learning schools and establish a pathway to funding parity with government-run distributed learning." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Modernise operational funding and increase grants for school districts

    "Modernize operational funding and increase grants for school districts to ensure every school has the resources to meet instructional and student support needs." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Increase provincial funding for community schools

    "Increase provincial funding support for community schools, which serve as spaces for community connection and make use of public buildings outside school hours." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

K-12 learning needs

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  • Increase support for students with learning disabilities

    "Increasing support for kids with learning disabilities and their families by working with teachers to identify kids who are struggling early and support those kids with strategies to learn, as well as expanding services and interventions for kids with dyslexia and other learning differences." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

  • Staff each K-3 classroom with an education assistant to support complex needs

    "Increasing support for students in the critical kindergarten to grade 3 years by staffing each classroom with an education assistant to support complex needs, and to support before- and after-school care programs." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Restore letter grades for students grades 4-9

    "Restore letter grades for students from Grade 4 through 9, and ensure parents and students in all grades have clarity about educational achievement." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Restore standardised provincial exams in grades 10 and 12

    "Restore standardized provincial exams in grades 10 and 12, allowing for the consistent measurement of student and school performance." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Expand access to programmes and supports for academically-gifted students

    "Expand access to programs and supports for academically-gifted students by working with school districts to build on existing successes and identify new opportunities." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Restore the Transition Program for Gifted Children

    "Restore the Transition Program for Gifted Children, cancelled by Eby earlier this year." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Restore funding to autism support providers

    "Restore funding to autism support providers, which was cancelled in 4 communities so Eby could “pilot” a radical plan that parents didn’t ask for. Parents know best what kinds of supports their children require, and unlike Eby’s plan, we will never force families into a one-size-fits-all model." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Speed up development of new independent Inclusive Education Schools

    "Accelerate the development of new independent Inclusive Education Schools which currently cover Autism Spectrum Disorder and other special needs." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Report more support workers for autism assessments

    "Recruit more support workers to cut down on the 18-24 month assessment wait time under the NDP." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Increase the number of Education Assistants in classrooms and provide regulation tools for students

    "Provide additional funding to increase the number of Education Assistants (EAs) in classrooms, provide regulation tools for students, and continue individualized autism funding. Invest in early identification and diagnosis, ensuring neurodiverse students receive appropriate support throughout their education." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure Education Assistants receive fair compensation and increased hours

    "Ensure Educational Assistants (EAs) receive fair compensation and increased hours, ensuring they earn a living wage and have job security." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create province-wide inclusive education policies

    "Work with education partners to create province- wide inclusive education policies, ensuring equitable access to education for all students." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create a sustainable funding model for organisations that address student needs

    "Establish a sustainable funding model for organizations addressing diverse student needs, such as the Take a Hike Foundation, to ensure long- term support." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure every school district has sufficient funding for accessible recreation programmes

    "Ensure every school district has sufficient funding to provide accessible recreation programs. Invest in outdoor education to promote leadership skills and confidence in youth." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Expand school accessibility to include neurodiverse needs, including autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, dyslexia, and Tourette's

    "Expand the discussion of accessibility to include neurodiverse individuals, such as those with autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, dyslexia and Tourette’s. Create environments that are inclusive of all abilities and accommodate the needs of all individuals, including those with down syndrome." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create environments that accommodate the needs of all students, including those with down syndrome

    "Expand the discussion of accessibility to include neurodiverse individuals, such as those with autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, dyslexia and Tourette’s. Create environments that are inclusive of all abilities and accommodate the needs of all individuals, including those with down syndrome." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

K-12 staffing

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  • Create a faster pathway to teacher certification for adults already working on-call in BC schools
  • Provide incentive programmes to attract more teachers to high-need areas
  • Staff each K-3 classroom with an education assistant to support complex needs

    "Increasing support for students in the critical kindergarten to grade 3 years by staffing each classroom with an education assistant to support complex needs, and to support before- and after-school care programs." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on K-12 staffing.

BC Greens

  • Provide paid final practicums for teachers and Early Childhood Educators

    "Provide paid final practicums for teachers and Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), offering financial support during their essential training periods." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Simply the certification process for teachers from other provinces or countries
  • Develop bursaries for educators who serve in remote districts, and increase funding for rural and remote teacher education programmes

    "Develop bursaries for educators who commit to serving in remote districts, and increase funding for rural and remote teacher education programs to address workforce shortages." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide loan forgiveness programmes for teachers, Early Childhood Educators, and Educational Assistants

    "Pursue loan forgiveness programs for teachers, ECEs, and EAs as part of broader post-secondary support initiatives (see: Post-Secondary Education section)." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Increase the number of Education Assistants in classrooms and provide regulation tools for students

    "Provide additional funding to increase the number of Education Assistants (EAs) in classrooms, provide regulation tools for students, and continue individualized autism funding. Invest in early identification and diagnosis, ensuring neurodiverse students receive appropriate support throughout their education." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

LGBTQ+ students

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on LGBTQ+ students.

BC Conservatives

  • Remove lesson plans, seminars, policy guides, curriculum elements, and practices informed by SOGI 123

    "Identify and remove lesson plans, seminars, policy guides, curriculum elements, and practices stemming from SOGI 123." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Replace the SOGI 123 resource with zero-tolerance anti-bullying programmes

    "Replace SOGI 123 with zero-tolerance anti-bullying programs and supports, which is how SOGI 123 was originally – and falsely – marketed to parents. All students must be genuinely protected from the threat of bullying, and Conservatives will do what it takes to keep kids safe." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Continue supporting and expanding the SOGI 123 initiative to create inclusive school environments that support LGBTQ+ students

    "Continue supporting and expanding the SOGI 123 initiative to create inclusive school environments that support LGBTQ+ students and address issues of gender identity and sexual orientation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Post-secondary costs and loans

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Post-secondary costs and loans.
We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on Post-secondary costs and loans.

BC Greens

  • Increase BC Access Grant, and extend eligibility to graduate students

    "Increase the amount students can receive through the BC Access Grant and extend eligibility to graduate students to reduce financial barriers." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Work with Student Aid BC to make more professions eligible for student loan forgiveness

    "Collaborate with Student Aid BC to expand the list of professions eligible for student loan forgiveness, targeting in-demand occupations and underserved communities." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Post-secondary institutions

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on Post-secondary institutions.

BC Conservatives

  • Direct more post-secondary funding to programmes that prepare students for in-demand jobs

    "Provide students with in-demand skills by directing a greater share of post- secondary funding to programs that prepare students for the in-demand occupations of both today and tomorrow" — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Require universities to protect students from antisemitic harassment and violence on campus to receive provincial funding

    "Link funding for B.C. universities to upholding student safety to hold universities accountable for the safety of all their students, including Jewish students. Provincial funding will be tied directly to ensuring universities protect their students from antisemitic harassment and violence on campus. Institutions that fail to protect students from hate will not receive a penny more of taxpayer money." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Disallow academic institutions from disciplining students or faculty for expressing viewpoints anywhere, barring criminal hate speech

    "Protect free speech and academic freedom by ensuring that no student or faculty member is institutionally punished for expressing a viewpoint in class, online, on campus, in a publication, or in private life. We must uphold zero tolerance for hate speech as defined by the Criminal Code of Canada, otherwise, free speech is a prerequisite for the free exchange of ideas." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Expand remote-learning options and evening and weekend classes

    "Enhance flexibility in education delivery by expanding remote learning options, in addition to education during evenings and weekends." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Create a dedicated funding stream for First Nations-mandated institutions

    "Create a dedicated funding stream for First Nations-mandated institutes, providing Indigenous language programming and culturally relevant education for Indigenous students in rural and remote areas." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Set the 11 minimum standards identified by Students for Consent Culture to improve campus safety

    "Amend the act to include the 11 minimum standards identified by Students for Consent Culture to improve campus safety." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide $5M/year to support sexual violence prevention offices and initiatives at post-secondary institutions

    "Provide $5 million annually to support the operation of sexual violence prevention offices and initiatives at post-secondary institutions." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Prevent the misuse of Non-Disclosure Agreements by post-secondary institutions

    "Implement measures and legislation to prevent the misuse of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) by post-secondary institutions, ensuring transparency and accountability." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

School construction and upgrades

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  • Build more then 20,000 new student spaces at 58 K-12 projects in fast-growing communities

BC Conservatives

  • Revamp the Ministry of Education capital budgeting process

    "Open new schools when families move-in to a neigbourhood, not years later, by revamping the Ministry of Education capital budgeting process. 8 years ago, the NDP itself said that the budgeting model is broken – then did nothing to fix it." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Work with local governments to expedite approval for new independent schools

    "Work with local government to expedite approval for new independent schools, and ensure adequate land availability and zoning flexibility for all types of schools." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Support school districts to adopt compact and urban school models

    "Support school districts in the adoption of compact and urban school models, which can provide kids with access to the full range of amenities while reducing land consumption and costs." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Phase out portables and use modular buildings instead

    "Phase-out portables. Modular classrooms can provide a significantly more attractive, comfortable, and practical environment for learning compared to portables. Where it is not feasible to build a new school, modular buildings will be used to phase-out the widespread use of portables in BC." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Reform management of school facilities

    "Undertake comprehensive reforms in facilities management to ensure all schools meet high standards of safety, functionality, and climate resilience." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Create pre-approved, universal, climate-resilient school building designs

    "Collaborate across ministries and the construction industry to create pre-approved universal school building designs, which will be reevaluated every 10 years to ensure they meet climate-resilient standards." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

School curriculum

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We don't have any BC NDP policies on School curriculum.

BC Conservatives

  • Conduct an immediate inquiry into the BC Teachers' Federation regarding teaching materials on the Israel-Palestine conflict

    "Conduct an immediate inquiry into the BC Teachers’ Federation’s role in pushing biased materials that promote one-sided views on the Israel-Palestine conflict. A directive will be issued from the Ministry of Education to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide. There is no place for political indoctrination in our classrooms, and the safety and dignity of Jewish students must be protected at all times." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Allow independent schools flexibility in non-core curriculum areas

    "Encourage educational innovation by allowing independent schools to have flexibility in non-core curriculum areas while still maintaining consistent standards." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Remove lesson plans, seminars, policy guides, curriculum elements, and practices informed by SOGI 123

    "Identify and remove lesson plans, seminars, policy guides, curriculum elements, and practices stemming from SOGI 123." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Ensure ideological neutrality of classroom materials

    "Uplift all kids by ensuring the ideological neutrality of classroom materials, and that kids are made to feel proud about who they are. Education should be about uplifting students into their full potential." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Issue a Ministry of Education directive to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide

    "A directive will be issued from the Ministry of Education to cease the use of the current Israel-Palestine teachers guide." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Ensure educators have resources to impart critical thinking skills and teach about electoral systems, citizenship, & critical recent history

    "Ensure educators have the resources to equip students with critical thinking skills and knowledge about: our electoral systems and the responsibilities of citizenship, the World Wars, the Holocaust, the Nakba, the Cold War, apartheid South Africa, human rights movements, impacts of colonialism, and other critical moments in history. Young people are graduating into a rapidly changing world and need to be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and understanding to navigate a growing volume of disinformation and misinformation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide robust learning resources for Indigenous and French languages, as well as American Sign Language

    "Provide robust learning resources for Indigenous and French languages, as well as American Sign Language, ensuring diverse language education options." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Develop guides for digital literacy

    "Develop guides for digital literacy, preparing students for an increasingly digital world." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Continue supporting and expanding the SOGI 123 initiative to create inclusive school environments that support LGBTQ+ students

    "Continue supporting and expanding the SOGI 123 initiative to create inclusive school environments that support LGBTQ+ students and address issues of gender identity and sexual orientation." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

School nutrition

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  • Expand the school meals programme

    "Expand the school meals program to save families money on groceries and put our kids’ health first – study after study has shown these critical meal programs improve students’ health, learning and outcomes." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

We don't have any BC Conservatives policies on School nutrition.

BC Greens

  • Create a universal school food programme, with access regardless of family income

    "Create a universal school food program ensuring all students, regardless of family income, have access to healthy meals." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

    "Create a universal school food program that provides:

    ° Equal Access: Ensuring every child in British Columbia has access to healthy meals, regardless of their family’s financial situation.

    ° Nutritional Standards: Meals will meet nutritional guidelines to support children’s health and development.

    ° School and Community Collaboration: Work with schools, organizations, and local farmers to promote sustainable practices and educate children on healthy eating habits."

    BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Ensure school meals meet nutritional guidelines

    "Ensure school meals meet comprehensive nutritional guidelines to support children’s health and development." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

Student mental health

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  • Ensure every public school has a mental health counsellor

BC Conservatives

  • Mandate that schools immediately inform parents of suicidal intentions by their child

    "Respect parental rights and protect kids by ensuring that parents are immediately informed of suicidal intentions by their child." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Improve school access to mental health professionals

    "Early mental health interventions in schools, which are vital to improving long- term mental health outcomes in children and adolescents. We will work to ensure schools have improved access to mental health professionals. Investing in mental wellness for our youth is investing in a healthier future." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

BC Greens

  • Increase the counsellor-to-student ratio

    "Increase the counsellor-to-student ratio in school districts to provide better mental health support for students." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

  • Provide additional funding to hire more psychologists, counsellors, and social workers for schools

    "Allocate additional provincial funding to hire more school psychologists, counsellors, and social workers across BC schools." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09


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  • Double all apprenticeship training and expand introductory training programmes intended to introduce young people to the trades

    "Prepare more young people for the jobs of the future – and the future starts now – by doubling all apprenticeship training and ramping up opportunities for more young people by expanding introductory programs that give them a taste of working in the trades and put them on the path to full, sponsored apprenticeships." — An Action Plan for You, retrieved 2024-10-07

BC Conservatives

  • Invest in more trades training spaces
  • Expand remote-learning options and evening and weekend classes

    "Enhance flexibility in education delivery by expanding remote learning options, in addition to education during evenings and weekends." — Common Sense Change for British Columbia, retrieved 2024-10-15

  • Work with employers to improve the incentive structure for training

BC Greens

  • Create a programme for young people & apprentices to upskill in retrofitting & improving the environmental sustainability of existing homes

    "We will work with the construction industry to create a program for young people and apprentices to upskill in retrofitting and improving the environmental sustainabillity of existing buildings." — BC Greens 2024 Platform, retrieved 2024-10-09

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