This is a page from the 2024 New Brunswick general election.
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Society & Government platforms

Here's what the candidates in Saint John Harbour, and their parties, are promising.


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We don't have any Green policies on Budgets.
We don't have any PC policies on Budgets.

Consumer protection

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  • Require companies to provide repair manuals free of charge, and supply parts, software, and tools for repair at a fair price
  • Require opt-in for automatic renewals of monthly and annual subscriptions
  • Require companies to include all mandatory fees in their upfront advertised price
We don't have any Liberal policies on Consumer protection.
We don't have any PC policies on Consumer protection.

Government transparency and decision-making

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  • Make public briefing papers with data and factual information on which proposed legislation is based

    "Provide public access to briefing papers that share the data and factual information on which proposed legislation is based." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Answer requests for information from the public without automatically requiring citizens to go through the Right to Information Act process

    "Answer requests for information from the public without automatically requiring citizens to go through the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act process." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Empower the Right to Information Ombud to order the release of information to the public

    "Reform the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act to empower the Ombud to order the release of information to the public." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Strengthen protections for whistleblowers within the civil service
  • Make the beneficial ownership registry free and publicly accessible
  • Ensure factors and objections considered in adopting municipal by-laws are disclosed during public meetings

    "Amend the Local Governance Act to ensure factors and objections considered in adopting by-laws are disclosed during public meetings." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Commit to evidence-based decision-making across all departments
  • Reform the Right to Information legislation to ensure more accessible and less restrictive access to the public
  • Strengthen the Whistleblower Act to ensure anonymity and employment protections for whistleblowers

    "Strengthen the Public Interest Disclosure Act (Whistleblower Act) to ensure anonymity and employment protections for the whistleblower." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Operate under an 'open by default' principle
  • Improve open data across government
We don't have any PC policies on Government transparency and decision-making.


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  • Remove barriers for refugee claimants to access provincial programmes such as social assistance and work permits in a timely manner
  • Structure Immigration NB to manage immigration so it respects the principle of duality
  • Provide additional funding to increase staff at the New Brunswick Refugee Clinic

    "Provide additional funding to boost staff capacity at the New Brunswick Refugee Clinic to assist refugee claimants and asylum seekers." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Ask the federal government for greater control over immigration, including international study permits and temporary foreign workers

    "Obtain greater authority over immigration, including international study permits and temporary foreign workers, to respond to the specific needs of New Brunswick." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Support settlement associations to expand their services

    "Support settlement associations to expand their services to integrate newcomers into their communities." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Ensure temporary foreign workers have access to Medicare and a pathway to permanent residency

    "Ensure temporary foreign workers have access to Medicare and a pathway to permanent residency." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Focus immigration pathways on critical labour needs like healthcare, building trades, and education

    "Focus immigration pathways on critical labour needs like healthcare, building trades and education, and supporting newcomers to make New Brunswick home." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Immigration.

Indigenous reconciliation

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  • Libertarians don't think somebody's race should affect what the law allows them to do, their rights, or the consequences of their actions.


  • Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems

    "Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems to uncover systemic racism against Indigenous peoples and how to correct it." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Enter into partnership agreements with First Nations for stewardship of Crown lands
  • Fully implement the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
  • Replace all place names containing racist terminology against Indigenous peoples to names recommended by First Nations

    "Restore all place names containing racist terminology against Indigenous peoples to their original or traditional Wabanaki names, or names recommended by First Nations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Support First Nations in their efforts to revitalise the Wabanaki languages in New Brunswick


  • Rebuild nation-to-nation relationships that establish trust and a shared understanding of treaty obligations

    "Commit to rebuilding relationships with First Nations based on a nation-to-nation relationship that establishes trust and a shared understanding of treaty obligations. We will renegotiate tax agreements to ensure all parties have a fair deal." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Renegotiate tax agreements with First Nations to ensure all parties have a fair deal
We don't have any PC policies on Indigenous reconciliation.

Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people

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  • Libertarians don't think somebody's race should affect what the law allows them to do, their rights, or the consequences of their actions.


  • Fully implement the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
We don't have any Liberal policies on Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people.
We don't have any PC policies on Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirited people.

Justice system

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  • Adequately fund court services, including returning court services to rural communities

    "Adequately fund court services, including returning court services to rural communities, to ensure the effective functioning of the court system." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems

    "Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems to uncover systemic racism against Indigenous peoples and how to correct it." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Expand mental health court access

    "Expand mental health court access to ensure the promotion of alternative pathways for justice." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Justice system.


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  • Create a Legislative Standing Committee on Official Languages to review the Official Languages Act in a transparent manner

    "Create a Legislative Standing Committee on Official Languages, with the mandate to review the Official Languages Act in an open and transparent manner." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Set a clear legal obligation for government to allow provincial public employees to work in their preferred official language

    "Establish a clear legal obligation on the government to ensure provincial public employees have the right to work in their preferred official language, similar to the federal government standards." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Structure Immigration NB to manage immigration so it respects the principle of duality
  • Ensure all seniors have access to long-term care in their preferred official language
  • Support First Nations in their efforts to revitalise the Wabanaki languages in New Brunswick


  • Appoint a Deputy Minister to lead the Official Languages Secretariat
  • Establish a Standing Committee on Official Languages
  • Implement the recommendations of the McLaughlin/Finn report
We don't have any PC policies on Languages.


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We don't have any Green policies on Legislature.


  • Use set calendars, allow remote participation, and modernise committee work

    "Ensure our legislative assembly and its practices are modern and fit for purpose including set calendars, remote participation, and modernizing committee work." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Legislature.

Lobbying and political donations

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  • Include details on who is lobbying whom, on what issue, and at what time in the Lobbyist Registry


  • Modernise and strengthen the lobbyist registry

    "Modernize and strengthen the lobbyist registry to enhance transparency and accountability." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Ban out-of-province political donations

    "Ban out-of-province political donations to increase trust in our political parties." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Lobbying and political donations.

Municipal funding and government

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  • Overhaul the property tax and assessment system to make property taxes and assessments fair and equitable

    "Overhaul the property tax and assessment system to restructure property taxes and assessments so they are fair and equitable." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Reform the municipal property tax structure to decouple heavy industrial property tax rates from residential rates

    "Reform the municipal property tax structure to decouple heavy industrial property tax rates from residential rates to provide flexibility to municipalities when changing tax rates." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • End access to government funding for companies that use offshore tax havens

    "End access to government funding for companies that use offshore tax havens to avoid paying income taxes in New Brunswick."— Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Eliminate property tax exemptions for heavy industry
  • Fulfill the commitment to a new fiscal framework for local governance


  • Overhaul property tax to ensure stability and fairness
We don't have any PC policies on Municipal funding and government.

People with disabilities

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  • Create a provincial disability support programme
  • Accelerate the implementation date of the Accessibility Act form 2040 to 2033
  • Sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Accessibility Standards Canada to inform and guise the implementation of the Accessibility Act


  • Consider providing a basic income for people with disabilities

    "Explore a plan for a basic income for New Brunswickers living with disabilities." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Fund safety and accessibility retrofits for seniors and people with disabilities who wish to stay in their homes

    "Provide funding for safety and accessibility retrofits for New Brunswick seniors and people with disabilities who wish to stay in their homes." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on People with disabilities.

Public safety

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  • Provide funding for communities and regions to implement community policing with local police forces

    "Provide funding for communities and regions to empower them to implement community policing using local police forces." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Fund community organisations working on issues related to sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and sexual harm of children

    "Properly fund community organizations working on issues related to sexual violence, intimate partner violence , and sexual harm of children, and increase funding to fill the gaps in services for survivors." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems

    "Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems to uncover systemic racism against Indigenous peoples and how to correct it." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any Liberal policies on Public safety.


  • Allow not-for-profit organisations to apply for funding from the Community Investment Fund to make their facilities more secure

    "Premier Blaine Higgs announced today that the terms and conditions of the Community Investment Fund (CIF) will be amended to allow not-for-profit organizations to apply for funding to enhance security measures at their facilities. This new initiative responds to growing concerns about the safety of religious institutions and community spaces across New Brunswick." —, retrieved 2024-10-12


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  • Make the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission an independent body reporting directly to the Legislative Assembly

    "Equality and inclusion are fundamental to a just society. Discrimination not only denies individuals their dignity but also hinders their ability to fully participate and contribute to our communities. A Green government is dedicated to promoting equality by making the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission an independent body reporting directly to the Legislative Assembly. This crucial step will enhance transparency and accountability in addressing human rights issues. To achieve genuine equality, we must go further by actively dismantling existing barriers that prevent marginalized groups from accessing opportunities and services." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Fully implement the recommendations from the Systemic Racism Commissioner's Final Report 2022

    "Fully implement the recommendations from the Systemic Racism Commissioner’s Final Report 2022, including commissioning an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into New Brunswick’s justice and policing systems to identify and correct systemic racism against Indigenous people." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Create a government secretariat led by a Deputy Minister to tackle systemic racism across government, institutions, and Crown Corporations

    "Create a government secretariat led by a Deputy Minister empowered with overseeing the dismantling of systemic racism across government, its institutions and its Crown Corporations." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems

    "Commission an Indigenous-led, independent public inquiry into the New Brunswick justice and policing systems to uncover systemic racism against Indigenous peoples and how to correct it." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12


  • Immediately review and respond to the Systemic Racism Commissioner's Final Report, and implement recommendations

    "Immediately review and respond to the Systemic Racism Commissioner’s Final Report, working on a timely plan to implement its recommendations." — Team Holt: Focused On You, retrieved 2024-10-12

We don't have any PC policies on Racism.

Voting and democratic engagement

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  • Implement a mixed-member proportional representation voting system, so that the composition of the Legislature reflects the popular vote
  • Create Citizens' Assemblies to examine important issues and recommend actions to the Legislative Assembly

    "Enact legislation to establish Citizens’ Assemblies to examine important issues and recommend actions to the Legislative Assembly." — Election Platform 2024, retrieved 2024-10-12

  • Lower the voting age to 16
  • Allow permanent residents to vote in municipal elections
  • Grant the Chief Electoral Officer investigative powers comparable to their counterparts across the country
We don't have any Liberal policies on Voting and democratic engagement.
We don't have any PC policies on Voting and democratic engagement.