Green Party
Cell & Internet services
"Complete the expansion of high-speed internet in rural PEI, and make sure our broadband infrastructure keeps up with future demand and technological changes." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Create childcare services within or near healthcare facilities that are flexible to meet the needs of shift workers." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
"Encourage more individuals to open in-home childcare centres by making the process easier and financially viable." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Create a capital fund to build new childcare centres, expand existing ones, and keep centres from closing." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Food prices
"The Seniors Food Program delivers reheatable meals, but this program is limited to the Georgetown and Cardigan areas. A Green government would expand this program to include all of Prince Edward Island." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
Fuel and transportation costs
Minimum wage
"A living wage was estimated a few years ago at around $19-$20 an hour. With recent inflation this is likely now around $21-$22 per hour.
Raising the minimum wage by $1 per year would be much more rapid than increases in recent years. It would likely be well ahead of inflation, thus closing the gap more every year. We would aim to have minimum wage catch up to the living wage in about 5 years.
One of their main challenges of minimum wage increases for businesses is that they have little time to adjust and plan for their labour costs. Currently, government gives businesses approximately 6 months notice for minimum wage increases. Having a clear plan on what minimum wage increases will be coming over the next several years will provide much more predictability for businesses and allow them to plan ahead for how they will meet their labour costs." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
"Prepare a comprehensive poverty elimination strategy in consultation with the community and Islanders affected by poverty, pursuant to the Poverty Elimination Strategy Act." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Prescription drugs & pharmacare
"Review the provincial pharmacare program to make sure Islanders are not overburdened by drug costs and dispensing fees." —, 2023-03-10
"A Green government would make an immediate investment of $18 million into provincial pharmacare programs to improve access and eliminate unnecessary fees. This would help close the gap between the Prince Edward Island and Canadian average per capita expenditures on pharmacare. Included in this commitment is free access to contraceptive care." — backgrounder, 2023-03-21
Public transit
Student loans
"Set the zero-payment threshold for PEI Student Loans to $40,000 gross income, indexed to inflation and with upward adjustments for family size. This would bring PEI in line with every other Atlantic province and make sure Island graduates do not have to repay loans if their annual income is below $40,000." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Cover student loan repayments for the 2023-24 year to support recent graduates in this period of high inflation and economic uncertainty." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Review debt forgiveness programs to support more students who choose to work on PEI after graduation.
○ Increase debt reduction grants." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Explore the possibility of expanding debt reduction programs to include students from other provinces and international students as incentive to stay and work on PEI." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
Tax measures and rebates
"Raise the Low-Income Tax Reduction threshold to $25,000, helping 11,000 additional Islanders." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
"To provide targeted tax relief to lower- and middle-income Island workers earning income between $30,000 and $50,000, we would create a refundable tax credit at a cost of $8 million per year in Y1, with increased investment in subsequent years. The tax credit would be designed with a sliding scale so lower-income workers would receive a larger benefit. The average benefit would be approximately $250." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
"PEI’s tax brackets are antiquated, having not been updated since 2008. A Green Government would make changes to PEI’s tax system to make it fairer for Islanders and in particular would:
● Raise the low-income tax reduction threshold from $20,000 to $25,000 over 4 years,
● Create additional tax brackets to better tax high incomes; and
● Index tax brackets to inflation to protect against bracket creep and keep more money in the pockets of Islanders." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
Climate Change & the Environment
Active transportation
"The province’s Active Transportation Fund is currently at $5 million annually. We plan to increase this to $8.5 million, as well as better integrate active transportation into existing infrastructure programs." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
"Promote the uptake of cycling through programs that reduce the costs of buying a bike." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Climate adaptation
"Conduct a public inquiry into the response to hurricane Fiona to make sure we are better prepared for the next big storm." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Energy generation
"Build new wind and solar farms with communities as part-owners, instead of fighting against local municipalities." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Buy electricity from the West Cape wind farm, which could immediately double the renewable energy on our grid." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Provide help for Islanders wishing to install battery storage in their homes." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Pursue more grid-level battery storage (e.g. Summerside Sunbank)." — [2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23]( — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23)
"Support the transition to smart electricity metres to allow for more efficient use of energy and better integration of distributed generation and storage." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Review and strengthen forest management legislation and policies, with a strong focus on native Acadian species." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Create financial incentives and market opportunities so sustainable harvesting practices are more valuable than clear cutting." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Increase supports to small and medium sized property owners to replant non-agricultural fields and open spaces with native trees and shrubs." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Pursue a certification (stamping) process for local, sustainably harvested wood products, so they can be sold by retailers." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Green construction and retrofits
"Expand energy efficiency and retrofit programs to reduce energy costs (and emissions) for Islanders." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
" • Continue funding all existing energy efficiency programs. The federal carbon tax backstop will come into effect this year. This will return money directly to Islanders, instead of going to provincial government revenues. We will make sure existing efficiency and climate programs are not cut.
• Make the building code net-zero by 2030 and provide more help for Islanders to build and renovate to net-zero.
• Retrofit public housing to net-zero." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Extend the Switch program to the entire province (currently only in Stratford and Charlottetown) so that all Island homeowners can benefit from zero- interest loans for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Green tech
Green transportation
"Increase the supply of electric vehicles on PEI and reduce their cost by creating a zero-emission vehicle mandate (similar to Quebec and BC)." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Design planning policies to:
- Protect the shoreline and coastal ecosystems.
- Protect and enhance forests, and increase carbon capture.
- Reduce carbon emissions.
- Adapt to climate change, erosion, flooding, and storm surges.
- Protect prime agricultural land and keep it in production.
- Protect waterways and groundwater.
- Promote higher density housing and reduce urban sprawl.
- Increase affordable and accessible housing.
- Better plan infrastructure to meet the needs of our growing population.
- Reduce the cost of utilities and improve access to services.
- Improve public transit and active transportation.
- Allow Islanders to participate in decisions that affect their community.
- Integrate Mi’kmaq rights and traditional knowledge into how we manage land."
— backgrounder, 2023-03-14
"Currently, land-use planning is only conducted in municipalities that have an official plan (i.e. the larger urban ones). This covers about 10% of the Island land mass. This may increase as the
Municipal Government Act is fully implemented and all municipalities are required to conduct land-use planning. Even with this, however, close to 70% of the Island (and 30% of the population) is outside of municipalities and will not be covered by municipal planning.
Land-use planning affects the province’s ability to tackle various challenges, including climate change, infrastructure, agriculture, environmental protection, economic development, housing, and others. The absence of land-use planning in the vast majority of PEI is an underlying cause of many of the challenges facing the province today. Several major reports dating back 50 years, and most recently the 2021 Land Matters report, have all unequivocally said that PEI needs to institute land-use planning Island-wide.
Staff in the Department of Agriculture and Land said during a Standing Committee hearing last year province-wide this can be done within 2 to 3 years.
We will also follow the Land Matters recommendation to “immediately implement province-wide interim regulations to further regulate subdivision and development in areas without an official plan until a province-wide land use planning framework is adopted.” — backgrounder, 2023-03-14
"In order for Islanders to have confidence that the Lands Protection Act is being properly enforced it is important for land ownership and purchases to be transparent. A Green Government will explore various avenues to increase transparency including:
● Releasing the report on the Brendel Farms land purchase.
● Giving IRAC the final decision on land purchases, instead of Cabinet, and increasing the transparency of IRAC’s decisions and investigations.
● Making the registry of deeds online and searchable.
● Introduce a Land Ownership Transparency Act, as was done in British Columbia." — backgrounder, 2023-03-14
Public transit
"Advocate for a national right-to-repair strategy to make repairs easier and more affordable." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"In response to pressure from the public and in the Legislature, government implemented a partial moratorium on shoreline development. This moratorium applies to work in buffer zones under the but ignores planning approvals (i.e. land use changes and building permits). A Green Government will maintain this moratorium, but will also extend the moratorium to include planning approvals. This will likely be part of the interim planning regulations recommended by the Land Matters report (see above)." — backgrounder, 2023-03-14
"Shoreline protection legislation would be designed through extensive public consultation similar to the development of the Water Act. Some of the objectives for this legislation will be to:
● Guarantee and improve public access to beaches for all Islanders
● Tightly limit what activities are permitted in buffer zones
● Eliminate any grandfathering policies that allow developers to circumvent the normal rules
● Better protect delicate coastal ecosystems
● Account for increasing erosion and flood risk due to climate change and more severe storms
● Create public consultation and participation requirements for coastal developments
● Increase penalties for ignoring the rules and require those who do not follow the rules to undo the harm they cause at their own cost." — backgrounder, 2023-03-14
"Integrate protection of shorelines, wetlands, waterways, and other sensitive coastal ecosystems in land-use planning rules across the Island." — backgrounder, 2023-03-14
Indigenous learning
"For example, immediately establish a senior-level position in government at the assistant deputy minister level or higher dedicated to Aboriginal content in education as per the TRC Calls to Action #62." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
K-12 funding
Post-secondary costs and tuition
"Review post-secondary financial assistance programs to ensure there is adequate support for Island workers looking to reskill or upskill." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Increase financial assistance for graduate students doing innovative research." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Review funding agreements with Island postsecondary institutions to make sure they have adequate and predictable funding." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"A Green Government would ensure multi-year funding agreements are in place to provide greater long-term predictability in funding. This will give our post-secondary institutions more stability and enable them to better plan ahead.
In recognition of our commitment to support the implementation of UPEI’s new strategic research plan, we would also consider restricted funding for the purpose of furthering its objectives." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
School construction and upgrades
"Better plan school infrastructure for expected population growth, while keeping rural schools open, while building the schools previously announced, like the planned Stratford school.
PEI has experienced rapid population growth in recent years and projected continued population growth over the coming decades. This will increase demands on public infrastructure, including Island schools. School infrastructure planning must take into account our actual and projected population growth to prevent overcrowding and ensure that high quality educational facilities are available and nearby." — backgrounder, 2023-03-15
"A Green government would allocate $500,000 in operational funding to undertake air quality monitoring and determine the priority locations for ventilation improvements. Any leftover funding would be dedicated to interim measures to improve air quality like the use of indoor air purifiers." — backgrounder, 2023-03-15
School governance
"Respect and value teachers by allowing schools, or families of schools, more control and autonomy over their budget, their daily schedules, professional development, and the implementation of curriculum." — backgrounder, 2023-03-15
School vaccination
Student loans
"Set the zero-payment threshold for PEI Student Loans to $40,000 gross income, indexed to inflation and with upward adjustments for family size. This would bring PEI in line with every other Atlantic province and make sure Island graduates do not have to repay loans if their annual income is below $40,000." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Cover student loan repayments for the 2023-24 year to support recent graduates in this period of high inflation and economic uncertainty." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Review debt forgiveness programs to support more students who choose to work on PEI after graduation.
○ Increase debt reduction grants." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Explore the possibility of expanding debt reduction programs to include students from other provinces and international students as incentive to stay and work on PEI." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
Student mental health
Health & Healthcare
Ambulance and emergency wait-times
"Reduce or eliminate fees for transportation services like Pat and the Elephant and Transportation West." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
"The program includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, exercise, leisure, therapeutic activities, and education/information sessions.
Emergency Rooms are often filled with patients waiting for longer-term beds in the hospital. Additional restorative care beds, especially at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, will help transition patients more quickly out of the ER and reduce wait times. Restorative care generally requires lower staffing levels and less highly trained staff than emergency departments. This makes it a more efficient use of limited staff resources than keeping patients for longer stays in emergency." — backgrounder, 2023-03-16
"Add paramedic positions within the public healthcare system." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Drugs and addiction
"Healthcare services should be relevant to the communities receiving those services. Summerside has particularly acute challenges with addictions and would be well served by the provision of withdrawal management (detox) services close to home.
A new withdrawal management facility in Summerside will also help ease backlogs and shorten wait times at the existing provincial addictions facility in Mount Herbert. This would be an expansion in the overall provincial capacity, as such, we would not expect a corresponding reduction in capacity in the Mount Herbert facility or the planned mental health campus.
Cost estimate: approximately $10 million over three years." — backgrounder, 2023-03-16
"Make sure the overdose prevention site in Charlottetown has all the resources needed to succeed, including consultation with the community and those accessing the service." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Fitness and wellbeing
"Improve access to fitness activities, including by partnering with community gyms to deliver no or low-cost fitness programs for all ages. Collaborate with healthcare professionals to design programs." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Invest in recreation infrastructure like playgrounds, sports fields, and community gardens so that Islanders of all ages can stay active in their communities. It’s also important public washrooms are available at these facilities." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
Health PEI and culture in the system
"Immediately implement management training for all management within Health PEI. This includes nurse managers, upper level management, and all other health managers. This training will focus on providing effective, psychologically safe, and respectful support for frontline staff and patients." —, 2023-03-08
"Within the first 90 days meet with healthcare union leaders to begin addressing the culture of silence in healthcare." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
"Amend the Health Services Act to remove political interference from the operations and delivery of healthcare on PEI.
• Simplify the recruitment and hiring of healthcare professionals.
• Government will hold Health PEI accountable for providing excellent patient-centred care across PEI while providing the funding and support they need to succeed." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Long-term care
"Islanders have expressed concerns about the rising cost of community care and long-term care, and how much families of seniors in care are expected to pay. There are also concerns about the amount of a senior’s income and assets are required to be given up when they enter care. A Green government would immediately review these fees and regulations to make sure Islanders are not paying more than is necessary." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
Mental health
"The PUCC was established during the pandemic and rapidly became an award-winning service. Shortly afterward it was shut down. A Green Government would reestablish the Charlottetown PUCC and open additional sites across PEI." — backgrounder, 2023-03-16
Natal care
"A Green Government will develop a perinatal mental health strategy to provide clear guidelines and protocols for the prevention, assessment, and treatment of perinatal mental health disorders." — backgrounder, 2023-03-16
Prescription drugs & pharmacare
"Review the provincial pharmacare program to make sure Islanders are not overburdened by drug costs and dispensing fees." —, 2023-03-10
"A Green government would make an immediate investment of $18 million into provincial pharmacare programs to improve access and eliminate unnecessary fees. This would help close the gap between the Prince Edward Island and Canadian average per capita expenditures on pharmacare. Included in this commitment is free access to contraceptive care." — backgrounder, 2023-03-21
Prevention and treatment
"Explore opportunities to expand wastewater testing to new municipalities and to cover new viruses to inform the public health response to illness." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Primary care
"Amend the Medical Act to allow nurse practitioners to work more effectively in a collaborative practice or to manage nurse practitioner-led clinics. Both will allow nurse practitioners to take more patients off the patient registry." —, 2023-03-08
"Immediately fund one additional support staff for family physicians and nurse practitioners who request additional support. This may be in the form of a nurse, counsellor, medical administrator, admin support, etc., based on the needs of the practice." —, 2023-03-08
"Give all Islanders free access to virtual care services when they need them. Consult with physicians on how to best integrate virtual care into our healthcare system.." —, 2023-03-08
"Open more walk-in clinics, such as cough and fever, mobile blood work, and prescription renewal clinics." —, 2023-03-08
"Increase family physician residency spots from 5 to 10, supported by new state of the art training technology at UPEI. Physicians tend to stay where they do their residency." —, 2023-03-08
"Review family physician salaries and supports in consultation with the medical community to make PEI more competitive with other Canadian provinces." —, 2023-03-08
"Support family physicians to open medical homes or collaborative practices across PEI by providing them with the flexibility, support, and funding they need to succeed." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Continue creating patient medical homes and neighbourhoods, with priority placed on those serving in rural areas. These would include primary care, mental health services, chronic disease management, physiotherapy, and other complementary care." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Use a proven Electronic Medical Record system and work to integrate it with EMR systems in other Maritime provinces." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Regional healthcare
"Use a proven Electronic Medical Record system and work to integrate it with EMR systems in other Maritime provinces." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Rural healthcare
"Review the Rural Physician Program to provide direct financial incentives to physicians who live and practice in under-serviced communities." —, 2023-03-08
"Create a Rural On-Call Program to provide remuneration to physicians providing emergency on-call services at eligible facilities in rural areas." —, 2023-03-08
Senior at-home care
"Expand homecare services to seniors and other Islanders in need to make sure they can age in place with access to appropriate supports and services.
• Adopt a wraparound approach for seniors. The application process must be simplified so Island seniors do not miss out on needed services.
• Increase resources for Seniors Navigator." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Seniors' health & services
"● increase funding for public housing repairs and renovations;
● improve security and access to in-person maintenance support in public housing;
● improve access to food programs and technology; and
● review eligibility thresholds for seniors public housing." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
"Immediately make repairs to government-owned seniors housing and ensure that maintenance is always up to date." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
"The Seniors Food Program delivers reheatable meals, but this program is limited to the Georgetown and Cardigan areas. A Green government would expand this program to include all of Prince Edward Island." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
"A Green Government would establish an independent seniors’ advocate, an officer of the Legislative Assembly to support and advocate on behalf of seniors and persons with disabilities with respect to their rights and interests in relation to government policies and services. It is based in part on the model of the recently created Office of the Child and Youth Advocate, and the Child and Youth Advocate Act." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
Sexual and reproductive health
"Allow pharmacists to prescribe contraceptives and order blood work for prescription renewals." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Staffing shortages
"Immediately invest $37 million directly into wage increases and benefits for frontline healthcare staff at Health PEI. This includes all levels of nursing, medical lab technologists, radiation technologists, porters, cleaning staff, and all others who work on the frontline of patient care." —, 2023-03-08
"Amend legislation to allow Physician Assistants (PA) to work in healthcare on PEI. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia already allow PAs to work in their healthcare systems." —, 2023-03-08
"Implement regional bursaries to registered nurses to train to become nurse practitioners at UPEI. Target RNs currently living or working in underserved regions." —, 2023-03-08
"Offer employment to all Nurse Practitioner graduates of UPEI. Once the range of care is increased to allow nurse practitioners to work independently, immediately hire additional nurse practitioners to take on patient panels directly from the patient registry." —, 2023-03-08
"Work with the medical colleges to speed up and simplify the process for internationally trained health professionals.
Reduce fees that internationally trained health professionals must pay to practise on PEI." —, 2023-03-08
"Look for managers that can go back to the frontline to cover shifts. There are many healthcare professionals who move into administrative roles. These positions could be created with a requirement to continue working a minimum number of hours of clinical practice. This would likely be negotiated during hiring." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
"The LPN to RN bridging program will help licensed practical nurses already in the health system upgrade their skills to those of a registered nurse. The program will be designed in consultation with key stakeholders such as healthcare unions, Health PEI, and post-secondary institutions." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
"Currently any RN or LPN who does not identify English as their first language must complete an English language competency test to be registered on PEI. The cost of this test is $280 and is only administered in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia. Any student graduating from an RN or LPN program on PEI who requires this testing will have the test and associated travel costs covered by the province." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
Training more staff
"Implement regional bursaries to registered nurses to train to become nurse practitioners at UPEI. Target RNs currently living or working in underserved regions." —, 2023-03-08
"Offer employment to all Nurse Practitioner graduates of UPEI. Once the range of care is increased to allow nurse practitioners to work independently, immediately hire additional nurse practitioners to take on patient panels directly from the patient registry." —, 2023-03-08
"The LPN to RN bridging program will help licensed practical nurses already in the health system upgrade their skills to those of a registered nurse. The program will be designed in consultation with key stakeholders such as healthcare unions, Health PEI, and post-secondary institutions." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
Housing & Homelessness
Affordable housing
"Establish a right of first refusal on the sale of multi-unit residential and commercial accommodations to ensure government has the first opportunity to buy housing." —, 2023-03-09
"Commit at least $100 million over four years to buy existing residential and commercial accommodations and convert them into public housing." —, 2023-03-09
"Establish a co-op registry to bring together Islanders and encourage the creation of additional co-op housing, including student-led housing cooperatives." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Explore the creation of a public developer to build public and non-profit housing. This could be done in partnership with other Atlantic provinces." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Inclusionary zoning is a planning tool that requires a certain number of new housing units to be affordable. We would work with municipalities to enact planning policies that promote more affordable units." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
Home construction and supply
"Create a new housing action plan to provide longer-term direction for housing initiatives in the province." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"The Planning Act exists to provide for efficient planning at the provincial and municipal level, and to encourage the orderly and efficient development of public services. However, the PEI context has evolved greatly since the legislation was first brought in, and as the Land Matters Committee’s final report noted: “The Planning Act is outdated and must be modernized.” A Green government would work to modernize our legislation to resolve outstanding issues and create a planning framework that works for Islanders and their communities." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
Home purchases and ownership
"A Green government would review the Down Payment Assistance Program to ensure that Islanders can use it to purchase housing in the community of choice, recognizing that the cost of housing varies from community to community." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"The Lands Protection Act is Island legislation used to protect land through ownership limits to ensure the ownership of land is not concentrated in the hands of the few. A Green government would pursue a Lands-Protection-Act-styled regulation of housing to ensure homes are available and accessible to Islanders and not controlled by investors who never intend to live in them. A Green government would also appoint an independent commissioner to consult with the public on the design of such regulation, and provide recommendations to government on how best to implement it." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"Treat housing as a human right and apply a Housing First policy." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Meet the legislated target of ending chronic homelessness by 2025."
Public housing
"Commit at least $385 million over the next 5 years to build new public housing and repair existing housing, including seniors housing that has been neglected by this government." —, 2023-03-09
"Establish a right of first refusal on the sale of multi-unit residential and commercial accommodations to ensure government has the first opportunity to buy housing." —, 2023-03-09
"Explore the creation of a public developer to build public and non-profit housing. This could be done in partnership with other Atlantic provinces." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Commit at least $100 million over four years to buy existing residential and commercial accommodations and convert them into public housing." —, 2023-03-09
"● increase funding for public housing repairs and renovations;
● improve security and access to in-person maintenance support in public housing;
● improve access to food programs and technology; and
● review eligibility thresholds for seniors public housing." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
"Immediately make repairs to government-owned seniors housing and ensure that maintenance is always up to date." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
Rental housing
"Among other things, a rental registry would log the rent payable in a rental unit in a publicly accessible database; this would allow tenants to verify whether the rent they are paying is in fact legal." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"Create regulations setting out what information is permitted to be collected and what information is not during the vetting of prospective tenants." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Give IRAC the resources necessary to investigate and consider complaints under the Residential Tenancy Act in a timely manner." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
Shelters and homeless services
"In addition to longer-term measures to ensure Islanders remain housed, a Green Government would immediately invest to expand our government-funded emergency and transitional shelter capacity. We should ensure that there is a shelter bed for every Islander who needs one, and we would work to ensure that shelter beds are available across the province so Islanders can stay in their communities." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Promote the development of carbon credit markets in agriculture and aquaculture, so we can pay farmers and fishers for sequestering carbon." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"Review labour programs to improve worker retention during slower periods. This could include bridging programs, job sharing, advocating for changes to EI eligibility, and other initiatives." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"Increase funding to the Agriculture Stewardship Program, Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) program, and other initiatives to help reduce emissions and environmental impacts (e.g. precision agriculture, planting hedgerows)." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"Create an agri-voltaics demonstration project to explore the potential of combining farming with solar panels in the same field and create a new revenue stream for Island farmers." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"In order for Islanders to have confidence that the Lands Protection Act is being properly enforced it is important for land ownership and purchases to be transparent. A Green Government will explore various avenues to increase transparency including:
● Releasing the report on the Brendel Farms land purchase.
● Giving IRAC the final decision on land purchases, instead of Cabinet, and increasing the transparency of IRAC’s decisions and investigations.
● Making the registry of deeds online and searchable.
● Introduce a Land Ownership Transparency Act, as was done in British Columbia." — backgrounder, 2023-03-14
"Classify agricultural and forestry land as resource land to protect it from poorly planned development and keep farmland in production." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
Gig and contract workers
"Explore ways to better protect gig workers." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Minimum wage
"A living wage was estimated a few years ago at around $19-$20 an hour. With recent inflation this is likely now around $21-$22 per hour.
Raising the minimum wage by $1 per year would be much more rapid than increases in recent years. It would likely be well ahead of inflation, thus closing the gap more every year. We would aim to have minimum wage catch up to the living wage in about 5 years.
One of their main challenges of minimum wage increases for businesses is that they have little time to adjust and plan for their labour costs. Currently, government gives businesses approximately 6 months notice for minimum wage increases. Having a clear plan on what minimum wage increases will be coming over the next several years will provide much more predictability for businesses and allow them to plan ahead for how they will meet their labour costs." — backgrounder, 2023-03-10
Seafood, fishing, and aquaculture
"Promote the development of carbon credit markets in agriculture and aquaculture, so we can pay farmers and fishers for sequestering carbon." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"Review labour programs to improve worker retention during slower periods. This could include bridging programs, job sharing, advocating for changes to EI eligibility, and other initiatives." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
"Increase funding supports for the adoption of clean technologies, alternate fuels for fishing vessels (e.g. electric, hydrogen), and reducing environmental impacts. These include the Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program (FACTAP) and Environmental Impact Reduction Strategy for Aquaculture and Marine Fisheries." — backgrounder, 2023-03-20
Sick leave
Startups and small businesses
"Eliminate incorporation and name search fees for new business start-ups." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Work to establish a Mi’kmaq-specific business equity fund for long-term projects that promote the prosperity and long-term well-being of First Nations communities in PEI." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Create a new Culture Strategy for PEI and increase investment in culture."
"Integrate tourism objectives into Island-wide land use planning (protecting viewscapes, beach access, farmland, infrastructure, etc.)." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Create a provincial museum in partnership with federal and community partners. This will not only be an attraction for tourists, but more importantly will help promote the preservation and development of Island culture, which is one of our greatest tourism assets." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Support employers to provide experiential learning opportunities that are relevant to students’ area of study." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Convene a panel of employer and employee representatives from the construction industry to explore the creation of a wage grid for construction." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"This is modeled on Manitoba’s Construction Wages Industry Act which sets out a wage grid for construction industry jobs; this provides transparency and promotes wage fairness in the sector, while also signaling the wages that are available to workers outside the province. Manitoba’s Act has been in place for decades and has the support of both industry and workers. Any changes to the grid are done in consultation with those parties. According to BuildForce Canada, Manitoba is one of the few Canadian provinces that expects to have more entrants to the construction sector than retirements over the next 6 years." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Support employers to provide experiential learning opportunities that are relevant to students’ area of study." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"This would include a variety of measures, developed in consultation with industry, educational institutions, and labour groups. For example, a Green Government would make sure there is adequate support for Island workers looking to reskill or upskill, including at little or no cost. We would provide experiential learning opportunities on PEI that are relevant to students’ area of study which not only gives them relevant skills but increases their employability after graduation." — backgrounder, 2023-03-09
"Promote unionization through education campaigns. Unionized workers tend to have better wages and benefits than non-unionized workers, and are an essential part of growing the middle class." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Society & Government
Disabilities and accessibility
"Introduce stronger legislation on accessibility standards to make sure persons living with a disability can fully participate in all aspects of Island life." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Elections & electoral reform
"Legislate proportional representation, based on the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"○ Require financial statements outside of elections.
○ Regulate loans.
○ Create privacy requirements for personal information collected by political parties." — backgrounder, 2023-03-18
"Create Citizens’ Assemblies to tackle important issues. The first of these would be proportional representation. From there, this assembly would get to work on issues such as climate change, housing, rural governance, poverty, and other issues of importance to Islanders." — backgrounder, 2023-03-18
Government transparency
"Make government spending more transparent by implementing results-based financial management in government departments." — backgrounder, 2023-03-18
Justice and legal aid
Local government
"Invest in recreation infrastructure like playgrounds, sports fields, and community gardens so that Islanders of all ages can stay active in their communities. It’s also important public washrooms are available at these facilities." — backgrounder, 2023-03-13
"Under the Municipal Government Act, all municipalities are responsible for land use planning within their boundaries. However, for many of our smaller municipalities this can be very challenging to carry out.
The current multi-year funding agreement between the province and municipalities expires this year, so a new agreement will need to be negotiated. As part of this, we will make sure municipalities have the resources necessary to implement strong local land use planning." — backgrounder, 2023-03-14
"Review the Property Tax structure to provide additional tax room for municipalities and make sure it is equitable for Islanders."
"Determine the number of staff and the roles required to establish and maintain effective provincial leadership and oversight of policing in PEI." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Racism and diversity
"Develop an anti-racism strategy in partnership with community members and equity-seeking groups." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Increase funding to the Human Rights Commission to provide for the timely resolution of complaints."
"Support better collection of disaggregated demographic data as required to better understand disparities in our society, with a particular focus on health, education, housing, and employment outcomes." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Make public all recommendations of the Anti-Racism Table to promote greater public discussion and improved government accountability on matters of racism and discrimination." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"For example, immediately establish a senior-level position in government at the assistant deputy minister level or higher dedicated to Aboriginal content in education as per the TRC Calls to Action #62." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Work with Mi’kmaq and foster the nation-to-nation relationship and self-government for Epekwitnewaq Mi’kmaq. Support Mi’kmaq initiatives in housing, economic development, and other priorities identified by Mi’kmaq to improve quality of life on PEI." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Work to establish a Mi’kmaq-specific business equity fund for long-term projects that promote the prosperity and long-term well-being of First Nations communities in PEI." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Work with L’nuey in fostering culture, education, and language preservation and promotion across the Island. For example, this could include more signage in Mi’kmaq and official publications in Mi’kmaq." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Amend the table of precedence to improve the representation of Mi’kmaq voices at provincial events and ceremonies." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Provide UPEI with a recurring $100k grant to contribute to the Indigenization of UPEI, and work with other post-secondary institutions on similar initiatives." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Integrate Mi’kmaq rights and culture into provincial laws. For example:
• Protect the duty to consult.
• Strengthen laws and regulations around land stewardship and environmental protection.
• Strengthen Mi’kmaq values, connections, and traditions in child protection laws." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
Misc. topics
Children and youth
"Immediately modernize the Child Protection Act to ensure all Island children are protected and well cared for. In doing so, consult with youth, children in care, parents and caregivers who would be directly impacted by this legislation." — 2023 Election Platform, 2023-03-23
"Invest in community infrastructure that supports the wellbeing of youth. This may include sports fields, theatres, rinks, and other spaces."
Funeral services
"Create a fund to help families recoup money lost if a funeral home mismanaged funds in trust for pre-paid funerals." — backgrounder, 2023-03-17
The work week
We invite every party to add their platform and candidates' profiles.
In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.