Governing well is about setting the right priorities. We can have a government that works for billionaires and developers or we can have one that works for everyday people.
While Ford prioritizes land developers over maintaining the greenbelt, selling off healthcare over making it widely, publicly accessible, and alcohol in corner stores over a state of good repair in our schools, we have a different vision. We can choose to invest in the things people really need. It's time for the government to get back into the business of building affordable housing. We used to do that. Now, every year, the housing crisis gets worse. Ontario developers are building nowhere near enough homes to make housing affordable or accessible. We can change that through direct government intervention, using public lands, and building things like rent-geared-to-income living space. We can make use of the abundant usable land that already exists in our urban centres, creating a gentle densification that quickly and affordably increases housing stock while also supporting public goods like mass transit. And we can bring back real rent control that makes life more affordable and more stable.
We can focus on hiring doctors instead of selling off healthcare to private corporations. Right now, a quarter of Ontarians don't have access to a primary care physician. That is unconscionable in a province like ours but we haven't even see the Ford government acknowledge the problem, let alone try to solve it.
There is no excuse for a significant portion of our schools not being maintained in a state of good repair. In a province like ours, our students should have access to decent, healthy school buildings and the education professionals to support their learning. Instead we've seen the Ford government reduce per pupil funding by $1500. No wonder students can't get access to the educators and facilities they need. We can reinvest in Ontario's education system in order to reinvest in our economic, social, and civil future.
These are examples of a philosophy and an approach to government that will help Ontarians live more affordable lives and aspire to even better in the future. In Ontario, we should be looking forward with hope, not anxiety. That's the promise and platform of Marit Stiles and an NDP government. My goal is to be part of that government to deliver these same improvements in Brantford-Brant.
Harvey earned an Honours BA in English Literature at Trent University and an MA and BEd at Queen’s University. He has also completed the Directors certificate from the Institute of Corporate Directors at the Rotman School of Management. His 31-year career in education included over a decade of classroom teaching and 14 years on the provincial executive of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, serving from 2017 to 2021 as President. In that role, he represented the full spectrum of education workers in all four publicly funded education systems in Ontario, as well as support staff at a number of Ontario universities. In defending and advancing the working conditions of his members, he always knew he was also supporting students' working conditions. His commitment to education continues through his current position as Ontario Regional Director of ResearchED Canada, a nation-wide volunteer organization promoting evidence-supported teaching practices. He also volunteers with Hearts to Homes Feline Rescue and Shelter and the Brant County SPCA.
Reason for running
As a candidate in the last election, I knocked on thousands of doors, and spoke with the people of Brantford-Brant. Even three years ago, what I was hearing was that people were finding life increasingly unaffordable and it has only gotten worse since then. I met young adults who wanted but could not afford to move out of their parents' homes. They wanted to start their independent lives but their avenues were blocked. I have seen the homelessness crisis in Brantford-Brant grow to alarming proportions, while the Ford government has failed utterly to reach their own home-building targets. I talked to students whose elementary and high schools are in an unconscionable state of decay. Meanwhile, a quarter of the people of Brantford-Brant don't have a primary care physician while Brantford General Hospital and The Willet Urgent Care Centre needed to be replaced decades ago and are still decades away from the job getting done.
It doesn't need to be this way. All of these issues can be tackled if we just set the right priorities. Rather than an unneeded $10 billion 413 highway, or a luxury spa, or a $100 billion fantasy tunnel under the 401, or booze in corner stores, we can focus our resources on what people, not Ford's billionaire buddies, truly need. We're talking about hiring doctors, building housing, and fixing schools. We're talking about making life more affordable.
Here in Brantford-Brant, I want to be the champion for the needs and aspirations of this riding's people. Folks here deserve better than a representative who refuses to meet with them unless they are fully in agreement with his party before walking in his door.
With your support, I will be the kind of MPP who listens to all constituents and seeks solutions to the problems they are facing. It's time to elect a government that's on your side.