Anthea Plummer

Green candidate for Fredericton North
My priorities: better healthcare with shorter wait times, affordable homes, sustainable jobs, respect for diversity and rights, quality education for children, fair wages and affordable living, and good governance that listens and takes action.
Mes priorités : des soins de santé accessibles, des logements abordables, des emplois durables, le respect des droits, une éducation de qualité pour nos enfants, une vie abordable pour tous, et une gouvernance à l’écoute qui agit pour la communauté.

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Anthea lives by the principle that no stone should be left unturned when seeking solutions to the challenges faced by the community.
Élevée à Fredericton-Nord depuis sa petite enfance, Anthea a un lien profond avec la communauté. Elle vit dans la circonscription avec son mari, sa fille et ses animaux de compagnie.

Anthea Plummer is a dedicated and passionate candidate representing the Green Party for Fredericton North. Raised in the heart of the riding, her deep roots have fueled a commitment to serve the community with loyalty and compassion. She and her husband are raising their daughter in the same nurturing environment that shaped her own upbringing, instilling in her the values of community service and environmental stewardship. 

Anthea's academic background is as diverse as her belief in lifelong learning, achieved through both experience and structured education. She has studied across a broad spectrum of disciplines, including political science, policy studies, conflict resolution, and visual arts. This interdisciplinary education has equipped her with a unique skill set, enabling her to approach complex issues from multiple perspectives and find creative, inclusive solutions. 

Throughout her career, Anthea has consistently chosen paths that align with her values and commitment to social justice and wellbeing. She has worked with various non-profits, engaged in post-secondary education, and dedicated herself to addressing community issues head-on. Her roles have varied, but the common thread has been her unwavering focus on making a positive impact in the lives of those around her. 

Anthea is a firm believer in the power of volunteering and has devoted time to causes that benefit the community and the environment. She lives by the principle that no stone should be left unturned when seeking solutions to the challenges faced by the community. Her approach to problem-solving is collaborative and inclusive, always aiming to bring people together to achieve common goals. 

As the candidate for Fredericton North, Anthea promises to work tirelessly to represent the interests of her constituents. She is committed to fostering sustainable development, enhancing social equity, and ensuring that the voices of all community members are heard and respected. In her, constituents can expect an MLA who never gives up, who believes in the power of community, and who will fight for a brighter, greener future for Fredericton North.

Élevée à Fredericton-Nord depuis sa petite enfance, Anthea a un lien profond avec la communauté. Elle vit dans la circonscription avec son mari, sa fille et ses animaux de compagnie. Avec une carrière diversifiée dans le service communautaire, les organismes à but non lucratif et les entreprises locales, elle apporte une riche expérience et un grand dévouement. Anthea détient des diplômes, des certificats et des attestations en science politique, en études des politiques, en résolution de conflits et en arts visuels, ce qui lui confère une perspective unique pour la résolution de problème.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
I don’t believe in wasting my time complaining, instead I choose to do something about the problems we face together. I want your support so that we can make government work for everyone.
Je ne crois pas qu'il faille perdre mon temps à me plaindre, je choisis plutôt d'agir face aux problèmes que nous rencontrons ensemble. Je veux votre soutien afin que nous puissions faire en sorte que le gouvernement travaille pour tous.

I have seen first hand the challenges that our community is facing. I’ve seen family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, struggle to access health care services, affordable housing, meaningful employment, and support when they need it most. There are good hardworking people in this community, who deserve better. I don’t believe in wasting my time complaining, instead I choose to do something about the problems we face together. I want your support so that we can make government work for everyone.

J'ai vu de mes propres yeux les défis auxquels notre communauté est confrontée. J'ai vu la famille, les amis, les voisins et les collègues lutter pour accéder aux services de santé, au logement abordable, à un emploi significatif et au soutien dont ils ont le plus besoin. Il y a dans cette communauté des gens bons et travailleurs qui méritent mieux. Je ne crois pas qu'il faille perdre mon temps à me plaindre, je choisis plutôt d'agir face aux problèmes que nous rencontrons ensemble. Je veux votre soutien afin que nous puissions faire en sorte que le gouvernement travaille pour tous.