SM's promise
Food prices
SM's promise
Fuel and transportation costs
SM's promise
Tax measures and rebates
SM's promises
Climate Change & the Environment
Active transportation
SM's promise
Climate adaptation
SM's promise
Energy generation
SM's promises
SM's promises
SM's promise
Diversity in schools
SM's promises
Indigenous learning
SM's promise
K-12 funding
SM's promise
Learning needs
SM's promise
School curriculum
SM's promise
School vaccination
SM's promises
Student mental health
SM's promise
Health & Healthcare
Dental care and optometry
SM's promises
Drugs and addiction
SM's promise
Review policies with respect to opiod distribution in places like the Calgary remand center and other reformatories, homeless facilities and correctional facilities.
Gender-affirming care
SM's promise
Health staffing
SM's promises
Sexual and reproductive health
SM's promise
Cherish LIFE, not murder it.
Offer adoption to people on waitlists.
Re-educate our youth. Pregnancy is not a mistake that can simply be erased.
Housing & Homelessness
Affordable housing
SM's promise
Jobs & the Economy
SM's promises
Arts and entertainment
SM's promise
Oil & petrochemicals
SM's promises
Research and development
SM's promise
Startups and small businesses
SM's promise
Society & Government
SM's promises
Government ethics
SM's promises
Immigrant settlement
SM's promises
SM's promises
Misc. topics
Domestic abuse and sexual assault
SM's promise
Reason for running
Everything that I stand for in this election can be summed up in two words: Accountability and Sovereignty. I believe in an accountable government that is wholly answerable to the people.
Don’t think your only option is to vote for the “lesser evil” of the major parties who created this political climate we are currently in, but instead vote for your values, vote for your beliefs, vote for your principles.
Nothing will change if we keep doing the same thing because we are afraid. It’s time to leave behind self-serving career politicians that work for their own interests and not for the people of this great province. Don’t believe the “vote split” lie, don’t be deceived. Vote for real change by voting for the Solidarity Movement of Alberta.
Please visit our website for more information.