This is a page from the 2022 BC Local General Elections.
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Jeff Courson

Climate Change

Energy-Efficient Buildings & Retrofits

Green's promise

Make buildings more energy efficient (geothermal, heat pumps, solar)

Urban Heat

Green's promises

Preserve and enhance Burnaby's green spaces
Expand Burnaby's green canopy

Human Rights

Physical Accessibility

Jeff Courson's promise

We need to continue to improve the accessibility of public places

Recent Immigrants

Jeff Courson's promise

Supports for immigrants should be provided to help them adapt to life in Canada

Local Government & Democracy

Public Engagement

Jeff Courson's promise

Public should be informed and engaged

Youth Engagement

Jeff Courson's promise

Youth should be informed and engaged

Public Safety & Policing

Police in Schools

Jeff Courson's promise

Police presence in schools should be done in such a way as to put students at ease with police

Upstream Causes of Crime

Jeff Courson's promises

Adequate social programs can help prevent some kinds of crime
Social programs can include housing, social assistance, education, health care, recreational facilities and food programs

Reconciliation & Indigenous Nations

Indigenous Languages

Jeff Courson's promise

Burnaby is located on unceded ancestral lands of hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples.

Indigenous Schooling

Jeff Courson's promises

The Province and to some extent municipalities, can and should incorporate curriculum related to indigenous peoples, culture and language
Resources for Indigenous education on reserves falls under both Federal and Provincial Jurisdiction.
Promote and support indigenous learning initiatives including history, culture and language

Land & Governance

Jeff Courson's promises

Their views on how we operate here should be heard, considered, and when possible, implemented
Their territories should be acknowledged and respected
We live on the traditional territories of various indigenous peoples that have lived here long before Europeans figured out this land exists

Places Names, Statues, & Other Commemorations

Jeff Courson's promises

Some things may be relocated to emphasize different historical figures
Our shared history should be remembered and not forgotten.

Residential Schools

Jeff Courson's promise

Are a repulsive, upsetting, and infuriating part of Canadian history that must be remembered so such things are never repeated

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Jeff Courson's promises

The declaration, often referred to as UNDRIP, should be incorporated into all levels of Canadian law as Canada is a signatory
Canada is a founding member of the United Nations

Schools & Public Education

Addressing Bigotry

Jeff Courson's promise

Assessing and improving school conduct policies, procedures and resources

Indigenous Schooling

Jeff Courson's promises

The Province and to some extent municipalities, can and should incorporate curriculum related to indigenous peoples, culture and language
Resources for Indigenous education on reserves falls under both Federal and Provincial Jurisdiction.
Promote and support indigenous learning initiatives including history, culture and language

Media Literacy & Critical Thinking

Jeff Courson's promise

Our children should continue to learn media literacy and critical thinking skills

Neurodivergent Students

Jeff Courson's promises

All students should be supported properly according to their needs
Every student's capacity is different and they do not all learn or perform in the same ways.

Police in Schools

Jeff Courson's promise

Police presence in schools should be done in such a way as to put students at ease with police

School Vaccination

Jeff Courson's promise

Municipal jurisdiction does not include public health policy. We are required to follow provincial health authority guidelines and rules.

Student Involvement & Engagement

Jeff Courson's promise

Students should have a voice at the table in terms of their schools and learning environments
This candidate hasn't added promises to VoteMate.

They may still in the future!

In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.


submitted by the candidate or their team
Metis, Veteran, Lawyer who is passionate about our children's learning, safe schools, truth and reconciliation, and making Burnaby the best it can be. He supports teachers and support staff and wants to make sure they have the resources they need to give their best to our kids.
Métis, ancien combattant, avocat passionné par l'apprentissage de nos enfants, la sécurité des écoles, la vérité et la réconciliation, et faire de Burnaby le meilleur possible. Il soutient les enseignants et le personnel de soutien aussi pour leur travaille

Jeff Courson is a Metis man, a veteran, and a lawyer raised entirely in Burnaby, Jeff attended both elementary and high school in Burnaby and graduated from Burnaby Central in 1997. After high school, Jeff attended Kwantlen College in Surrey and completed his bachelors degree in political studies with Honours at Bishop’s University in Lennoxville, Quebec while joining the military. Jeff served nearly 12 years in the Canadian Forces before returning home to attend law school at UBC. He is married and has two children attending Burnaby Schools and has served on parental advisory committees. Jeff currently practices law in Burnaby and is dedicated to making Burnaby Schools and Burnaby the best it can be. He is passionate about education, reconciliation, and improving the quality of the environment we live, work, learn, and play in.

Jeff Courson est un Métis, un ancien combattant et un avocat élevé entièrement à Burnaby. Jeff a fréquenté l'école primaire et secondaire à Burnaby et a obtenu son diplôme de Burnaby Central en 1997. Après le lycée, Jeff a fréquenté le Kwantlen College à Surrey et a obtenu son baccalauréat. en études politiques avec distinction à l'Université Bishop's de Lennoxville, au Québec, tout en se joignant à l'armée. Jeff a servi près de 12 ans dans les Forces canadiennes avant de rentrer chez lui pour fréquenter la faculté de droit de l'UBC. Il est marié et a deux enfants qui fréquentent les écoles de Burnaby et a siégé à des comités consultatifs de parents. Il croit en l'évaluation de tous les faits et en la collaboration pour s'assurer que les meilleures décisions possibles soient prises.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
Our children are the future of our country and if we want them to be as successful as possible, we must step up and provide them with the best possible environment and education.
Nos enfants sont l'avenir de notre pays et si nous voulons qu'ils réussissent le mieux possible, nous devons nous mobiliser et leur offrir la meilleure éducation possible.

We need to build upon the lessons of the past, and move forward ensuring that our mistakes are not forgotten and can be learned from. We need to make sure our schools are safe, inclusive environments that challenge and support our students. All students ought to be able to reach their fullest capacities both academically and socially so they can be as prepared as possible for their next steps in the world.

To give them bright futures in an increasingly globalized and competitive world, we must provide our teachers, support workers, administrative staff and our kids the resources needed to succeed and reach their potential. We must provide them safe and healthy environments in which they can work and in which our children can learn in a sustainable way.

Nous devons nous appuyer sur les leçons du passé et aller de l'avant en veillant à ce que nos erreurs ne soient pas oubliées et qu'on puisse en tirer des leçons. Nous devons nous assurer que nos écoles sont des environnements sûrs et inclusifs qui stimulent et soutiennent nos élèves. Tous les étudiants doivent être en mesure d'atteindre leurs pleines capacités, tant sur le plan scolaire que social, afin d'être aussi préparés que possible pour leurs prochaines étapes dans le monde.

Pour leur offrir un avenir radieux dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé et compétitif, nous devons fournir à nos enseignants, nos travailleurs de soutien, notre personnel administratif et nos enfants les ressources nécessaires pour réussir et réaliser leur potentiel. Nous devons leur fournir des environnements sûrs et sains dans lesquels ils peuvent travailler et dans lesquels nos enfants peuvent apprendre.

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