Public transit
BC Greens's promise
Climate Change & the Environment
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
Power generation
BC Greens's promises
Public transit
BC Greens's promise
K-12 funding
BC Greens's promise
K-12 learning needs
BC Greens's promise
School nutrition
BC Greens's promise
Student mental health
BC Greens's promise
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Family doctors and primary care
BC Greens's promise
Health staffing
BC Greens's promise
BC Greens's promise
Housing & Homelessness
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
They may still in the future!
Cammy Lockwood is a passionate advocate for agriculture and a dedicated protector of her children’s future. Having lived in the Cowichan Valley since the age of two, she and her family have been deeply involved in the community for decades.
In 2011, Cammy and her husband started Lockwood Farms, a thriving operation that supplies fresh eggs to over 8,000 people and provides organically grown vegetables to over 400 families. Under her leadership, the farm has grown from 3 laying hens to over 6,000, ensuring a market for every egg. Her expertise in the Canadian egg industry has been recognized, with Cammy serving as a witness in several parliamentary committees. She has gained valuable insights into the systems that allow 150 family-run farms to supply all of BC’s eggs.
Cammy is also a strong voice for her community, serving on several boards for community organizations. She has helped resettle refugees, organized events, fundraised, donated, and mentored other community leaders. In 2019, Cammy and her husband James were awarded BC’s Outstanding Young Farmers, a testament to their dedication and hard work. She takes pride in her products, standing behind them every week at the Duncan Farmer’s Market.
Cammy entered politics when the devastating effects of climate change threatened both her farm and her children’s future. Disappointed in the government’s response to climate catastrophes, she is determined to put people, not corporations, at the center of BC politics. Cammy’s commitment to her community and her firsthand experience in agriculture make her a powerful advocate for a sustainable and prosperous future.