Public transit
BC Greens's promise
Climate Change & the Environment
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
Power generation
BC Greens's promises
Public transit
BC Greens's promise
K-12 funding
BC Greens's promise
K-12 learning needs
BC Greens's promise
School nutrition
BC Greens's promise
Student mental health
BC Greens's promise
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Family doctors and primary care
BC Greens's promise
Health staffing
BC Greens's promise
BC Greens's promise
Housing & Homelessness
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
They may still in the future!
Bradley Bartsch, BC Green Party candidate for Penticton-Summerland, brings decades of experience in leadership and community-driven development. Raised on the West Coast, Bradley holds a degree in Political Science and Business Administration from Simon Fraser University and has worked with prominent for-profit and non-profit organizations across Canada. His roles have included Director of Development at Ronald McDonald House BC/Yukon and World Vision Canada, where he led successful fundraising campaigns for critical health and social projects.
Bradley and his wife moved to Penticton in 2021, where they have embraced the South Okanagan community. His passion for sustainable economic and environmental development aligns with the BC Greens’ vision for a prosperous future. After recovering from a stroke in 2017, Bradley is even more committed to giving back, focusing on creating strong, resilient communities.
With a wealth of experience across sectors, Bradley is ready to bring his vision for a thriving, sustainable Penticton-Summerland to provincial politics.