Public transit
BC Greens's promise
Climate Change & the Environment
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
Power generation
BC Greens's promises
Public transit
BC Greens's promise
K-12 funding
BC Greens's promise
K-12 learning needs
BC Greens's promise
School nutrition
BC Greens's promise
Student mental health
BC Greens's promise
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Family doctors and primary care
BC Greens's promise
Health staffing
BC Greens's promise
BC Greens's promise
Housing & Homelessness
Drugs and addiction
BC Greens's promise
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Forests and forestry
BC Greens's promise
They may still in the future!
In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.
Ned has lived in Saanich his entire life, cherishing the sense of community and the stunning natural beauty of the area.
Seeing how politics could make tangible changes in people’s lives, Ned decided to run for Saanich Council at just 18 years old. On his second run, he was elected as the youngest-ever Saanich Councillor and CRD Director. For the past four years, Ned has worked tirelessly to make meaningful change for the community. He led the charge to build more sidewalks, ensuring kids can get to school safely. He spearheaded efforts to accelerate the region’s response to climate change, striving to secure a future for his generation. He consistently advocated for expanding housing stock because everyone deserves an affordable home.
Ned is young, energetic, and passionate, and he has proven that he can be effective in government.
Reason for running
Ned is tired of seeing the current provincial government make bold statements about climate action but then approve new LNG plants and continue to log old-growth forests. He is concerned about the rising cost of living and the lack of housing in Saanich. He knows that these problems are solvable, but only if we’re brave enough to make significant changes to the systems that have caused them in the first place.
If you share Ned’s concerns and his vision for a better future, join us. Together, let’s fight for a better future for the people of Saanich and all British Columbians.