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Lisa D Alexis

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Lisa is proudly registered Metis and is an Operations Project Manager in the financial sector. She has worked in varying capacities in the finance sector for over 15 years. She understands planning, budgeting, and analytics and is an excellent resource for team strategy and implementation. She has partnered with Executives and Directors in both for-profit and non-profit to refine their processes, increase revenue and maximize productivity.

 Lisa graduated from LA Matheson in Surrey, and two of her three children attended Surrey’s public schools. One of them was in the district's French Immersion Program. Lisa is running with Parents Voice BC. She believes that her team represents the intersectionality and inclusivity of Surrey's diverse population.

Now married, Lisa was a single parent for 15 years. She recognizes the challenges children face with separated parents. The stresses it causes on children and challenges faced in single-family and blended family homes.

She is mindful of the growing challenges of children, youth, and teachers. ‘I want to help with a forward-thinking strategy to meet funding needs to increase resources like counselors, TA’s, special needs workers, ELL & ESL workers, and police liaisons.’ Surrey Schools are the city’s largest employer and the largest district in the province. Our funding needs to reflect that.

She has previous board experience and believes her business acumen aligns with Surrey School Districts Values and Vision for Learning, Structures, and Tools for a Digital Age.

Reason for running

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19,857 voters in 2018 thought I would be a good candidate.

As a mother of three in the Surrey school district, I am personally invested in the Surrey Schools. I would like to continue to grow my board experience while contributing to a parent's perspective and my business experience. I try to teach my children to put themselves in unfamiliar situations where they can grow and develop in character and knowledge from their community. That's why I run. I was surprised by the support in 2018 and wanted to put myself forward again for those who voted for me then. I was encouraged by various Federal, Provincial and Municipal elects to try again on a slate.

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