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Derek Pinto

Independent for Victoria Council
To build a better community - One where children can be safe playing and walking to school, where everyone can find housing and we don’t have to lock our house, car or your bicycle, where neighbours care for one another, where we all can celebrate this beautiful city.

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Climate Change

Active Transportation

I use my bike whenever possible and my electric car when I must drive. I appreciate the safety provided by bike lanes

Green Space

Derek will work to create and grow new natural ecosystems on city property and incentivize property owners and renters to do the same.

I will also ensure that existing natural ecosystems are maintained.

Housing & Homelessness

Housing Accessibility

Safe, secure and affordable housing is a right for all citizens, not the privilege of the well-off and fortunate.

City Council must work with other levels of government to ensure housing is more affordable to a greater number of Victorians. The Missing Middle proposal is a good start, but it needs some modifications to make it more appealing to a greater number of developers, potential renters and homeowners.

Mental Health, Drugs, & Addiction

Treatment Programmes

The provincial & federal governments will be encouraged to invest in treatment centres here in the city.
Derek will work with senior governments to ensure more funding is available to develop housing with supportive mental health programs.
There is nothing charitable about leaving people with severe addictions and mental health problems to fend for themselves.
A compassionate society houses and cares for the basic needs of those who are unable to meet their own.

Public Spaces & Services

Green Space

Derek will work to create and grow new natural ecosystems on city property and incentivize property owners and renters to do the same.

I will also ensure that existing natural ecosystems are maintained.

Transit & Getting Around

Active Transportation

I use my bike whenever possible and my electric car when I must drive. I appreciate the safety provided by bike lanes


submitted by the candidate or their team
-Property Manager
-Secretary, Vic West Community Association
-Campaign Manager federal/provincial Green Party candidates
-Press Secretary to Federal Green Party Leaders Jim Harris & Elizabeth May

I live in Vic West. I've been politically engaged most of my adult life in support of multiple community projects as well as very active at the provincial & federal political level. I first ran as a candidate for Peterborough, ON, city council at age 27 in 1997. My wife & I moved to Victoria in 2014.

As well as being a property manager and I own a four-plex so I have lengthy ownership and tenant experience and fully understand the housing crisis here in Victoria.

The current housing situation, safety on our streets and doing everything possible to reverse the climate crisis will be my main focus at the Council table.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
When I reviewed the list of candidates running for City Council, I recognized that I needed to run because I didn't see candidates who have the community & climate action focus which I am deeply committed to.

Over the years, I've knocked on many doors & spoken to thousands of people of all demographics. Listening to people express their concerns has shaped my perspective of serious issues facing us today and the difference political action can make.

Through building community we build connections and foster a healthy sense of accountability. I fully support grassroots community initiatives like: The Banfield Dock, Victoria Tool Library, Supply Victoria, Little Free Libraries, community gardens, workout playgrounds, jam spaces, skate parks, pedestrian walkways & art spaces

These all create communal harmony and help us painlessly (even joyfully) reduce our consumption and fossil fuel use. I will work to ensure these valuable community resources stay afloat, grow and prosper and assist in the development of more initiatives like these.

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