Conservative Party of BC


Seniors' benefits

Update rent and income thresholds annually for the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters programme to reflect inflation and market conditions
Double the Home Renovation Tax Credit for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities to $2,000
Expand HandyDART services and strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors
  1. "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
  2. Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Climate Change & the Environment

Climate adaptation

Re-introduce the use of controlled forest burns to prevent and contain forest fires
Plant wetter tree species in ecosystems with significant wildfire history

"Maximize the use of wetter species within ecosystems historically dominated by wildfires - helping to keep wildfires on the ground and allow for more opportunities to stop wildfires from spreading. More diverse species mixes in specific areas will also enhance wildlife habitat value." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Implement more selective logging, fuel load management, and tree species mix

"Implement more selective logging, fuel load management, and species mix in interface areas. The objective is to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires in areas adjacent to communities." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Do a complete review of wildfire management
Work with private contractors for wildfire response

"Work with contractors and the private sector to empower them to be able to act quickly in response to emerging wildfire issues." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Provide local people and communities with wildfire training and equipment, and always allow local volunteers
  1. "Provide local people and communities with training and equipment.
  2. Ensure local volunteers and contractors are be able to call-in to support their efforts.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Support research into new technologies and methods for firefighting

"Work with universities to support the research and implementation of new technologies and methods for firefighting." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Forests and forestry

Define an area dedicated to the harvest of primary forest products
  1. "Define the land area that will be prioritized for the harvest of primary forest products.

A healthy forest sector needs stability and predictability. This is achieved by defining an area dedicated to providing primary forest products.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Define an area where biodiversity goals will be prioritised
  1. "Define the land area that will be prioritized for meeting biodiversity goals, where sourcing forest products will be of secondary value.

Combined with our parks and other forested areas, our balanced approach will allow industry to access an adequate and predictable supply of fibre, while protecting the ecological value of BC’s forests.

Having flexibility within the management of these areas will allow BC to better manage forest health issues, including wildfire mitigation plus restoration and rehabilitation where needed.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax
  1. "Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax.

A value-added tax system will be instantaneously responsive to current market conditions, and it will encourage industry to get more value and jobs out of each log. Input credits will be created for higher-value products and better utilization of fibre: meaning the more a producer can do with the fibre, the more credits that will be created.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Provide a single-permit process for projects
  1. "Implement a “One Project, One Permit” process.

“One Project, One Permit” will significantly reduce costs to all parties (i.e. government, First Nations, and companies) and make it viable to invest in BC forestry again.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Do a core review of the forest sector's cost structure

"The core review will identify all unnecessary costs and red tape which have resulted in BC shipping forestry jobs to other provinces and the US. We will make sure the industry is competitive enough to ship products again, not jobs." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Support using wood fibre for power generation

"Encouraging the use of wood fibre in power generation and other secondary applications will create new revenue streams for the industry and government, protecting jobs and realizing the highest possible value per log." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Change the annual allowable cut from counting sawlogs to counting fibre
  1. "Change the annual allowable cut from a sawlog AAC to a fibre AAC.

Tree waste from harvesting is often left behind in the forests to be piled and burned. While there is a need to leave woody debris behind to help with habitat values, BC should account for this fibre and value it." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or other issues

"Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or forest health issues. By responding quickly, we can better-utilize the damaged fibre while doing the necessary work of rehabilitation and accelerated reforestation." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Invest in workforce training for the forest sector


Ban aerial spraying of glyphosate


Diagnostic and procedure wait-times

If wait-times exceed a set limit, patients would be reimbursed for accessing care at a pre-approved facility out-of-province

"After a brief consultation period, the Conservative Party of BC will:

  1. Implement the Patients First Wait Time Guarantee for select diagnostics and surgical procedures.

If diagnostic or medical procedures exceed medically recommended wait times, patients would be able to access care at a pre-approved facility out-of-province and be re-imbursed according to a set fee schedule. A similar policy (Cross Border Directive) has been helping patients across the European Union since 2013.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Pay for patients to access specific priority procedures and diagnostic services at non-governmental clinics

"The Conservative Party of BC will:

  1. Pay for patients in the public system to receive quality health care services in non-governmental clinics for specific priority procedures and diagnostic services.

We will get people off waiting lists and into operating rooms and diagnostic clinics for services like MRIs and priority surgeries. It makes no sense for non-government health facilities to sit idle when they could be contracted to help BC patients right now.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Family doctors and primary care

Consult with primary care providers on finding efficiencies and optimisations

"Comprehensive primary care led by a family physician improves patient outcomes. The Conservative Party of BC will immediately consult and work with physicians and other primary health providers (e.g., physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners) on ways to maximize the number of people a family doctor’s office can see. This will support the reported nearly 1 million British Columbians without a family doctor to get off a waitlist and into a primary healthcare clinic.

To meet the current and future demand, increasing the number of family physicians is important but will not be enough on its own. It is critical that we work together to look at ways to optimize the utilization and efficiency of our primary healthcare providers, including the use of modern tools and technologies to reduce administrative burden, track and optimize staffing, and ultimately improve patient outcomes." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Ensure more residents of rural areas can access telehealth and digital diagnostic tools

"Ensuring that more British Columbians in rural areas are able to access updated types of care like telehealth and digital diagnostic tools." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Health administration

Fund hospitals, health authorities, and non-governmental facilities by how many patients they treat, instead of in block grants

"Instead of simply throwing money at health facilities and hoping for the best (the “block grant” model), the Conservative Party will implement what has effectively worked well in European countries and Quebec – a policy known as “activity-based funding”.

This will see hospitals, Regional Health Authorities, and/or other non-government facilities funded based on their output – each time they treat patients for specific diagnostic and priority procedures, they receive additional funds. This approach incentivizes providers to be more efficient and treat as many patients as possible.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Increase tracking and publication of key metrics like wait-time

"Ensuring that we track key metrics for all parts of the healthcare journey. We will expand current tracking of the time from the visit to a specialist to the surgery. We will expand this tracking to include the wait time to see a specialist." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

"Identifying additional performance metrics for the system and ensuring that the progress is tracked and reported to British Columbians in an accessible and understandable manner." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Require health authorities to annually report cases of patients dying while waiting for surgery
Run a Health Services Performance Review to identify potential savings
Remove siloing of regional health authorities from the Ministry of Health

"Drawing on best governance practices from other jurisdictions to break down silos between the Regional Health Authorities and the Ministry. This enables the implementation of Integrated Operations Centres at the provincial and zone level and allow the ability to track and manage wait times and optimize resources in real time." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Health staffing

Rehire healthcare workers who didn't take COVID vaccines
Review and expand existing programmes to incentivise doctors and nurses to work in high-need communities
Ensure a path for Healthcare Assistants and LPNs to upskill

"Nurses that want to improve their credentials should have flexible options for career training. As experienced professionals retire, our system will need to replace this expertise. We will ensure that front line staff like Healthcare Assistants and Licensed Practical Nurses that want to upskill their credentials have a path that ensures they can both support our healthcare system and advance their careers." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Repeal the Health Professions and Occupations Act

"Immediately repealing the Health Professions and Occupations Act (Bill C-36) to reduce the unnecessary red tape, political and ideology control that the NDP have imposed on the healthcare system.

  1. The front lines understand and know their professions better than government. We want to work with them to establish legislation that ensures that the oversight of medical professions is neither politicized, nor needlessly restrictive and/or government regulated.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Present early offers and multi-year employment contracts to keep BC-educated medical professionals in the province

"Present early offers and enter in multi-year employment contracts with BC educated medical professionals (pending successful program completion) to incentivize and encourage graduates to remain in the province." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Increase residency spots for medical students who commit to practising in high-need areas post-graduation
Create new spots in medical schools reserved for BC students

"Create new spots in BC medical schools reserved specifically for BC students. Students from British Columbia are more likely to want to practice in communities closer to home." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Work with post-secondary institutions to expand hands-on experience opportunities

"Work with our post-secondary institutions to expand opportunities for medical students to get hands-on experience while completing their education. We need to build connections between students who seek to work in healthcare specifically in high need positions and communities (e.g., Healthcare Assistants)." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Provide incentives to work in small municipalities and rural communities
Expand domestic and international recruitment efforts

"Expanding both domestic and international recruitment efforts to fill urgent needs within the system.

o We cannot improve access if we do not have the necessary staff. Out-of-province and international recruitment can provide an immediate stopgap to address staffing shortfalls.

o Out-of-province and international professionals that come to BC to practice in high need jurisdictions will have access to financial incentives.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Nominate and accelerate immigration applications for medical professionals

"Taking all constitutionally permitted steps within the immigration system to nominate and accelerate applications for medical professionals.

o The federal government has had the ability to expedite applications for international medical professionals, but they have failed to do so.

o We will work with the federal government to ensure that applicants are able to acquire the necessary credentials to begin practicing in Canada immediately.

o We will identify ways to accelerate credential recognition to ensure that no British Columbian has skills that go to waste.

o We will build on the model of the Atlantic Physicians Registry and work with other provinces to simplify processes for medical professionals to move between jurisdictions.", retrieved 2024-10-08


Fund hospitals, health authorities, and non-governmental facilities by how many patients they treat, instead of in block grants

"Instead of simply throwing money at health facilities and hoping for the best (the “block grant” model), the Conservative Party will implement what has effectively worked well in European countries and Quebec – a policy known as “activity-based funding”.

This will see hospitals, Regional Health Authorities, and/or other non-government facilities funded based on their output – each time they treat patients for specific diagnostic and priority procedures, they receive additional funds. This approach incentivizes providers to be more efficient and treat as many patients as possible.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Increase security and ban illicit drug use in hospitals

Long-term care

Add 5,000 long-term care beds by 2030
Commission an expert review on improving long-term care practices and infrastructure


Increase tax credits for family caregivers
Expand respite care options and caregiver training programmes
Increase funding for home support services and remove daily user fees

"Increase funding for home support services, eliminate daily user fees, and address the Better at Home program’s extensive waitlists." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Expand access to home care as the preferred alternative to long-term care
Provide financial assistance for crucial devices like glasses, mobility aids, and hearing aids
Double the number of Seniors' Community Parks

"Double the number Seniors’ Community Parks so our elders can stay in shape with age-appropriate outdoor exercise equipment." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Cover the cost of the cost of the shingles vaccine and high-dose flue vaccines
Create a comprehensive, person-centred care pathway for dementia

"Increase support and streamline care for seniors with dementia through a comprehensive, person-centered care pathway from early diagnosis to advanced stages." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Eliminate daily hospice care charges

Technology and health

Review curricula for training health professionals with a mind to artificial intelligence

"Conducting a thorough review of curricula to ensure congruency of the healthcare professional roles with present needs and future demands of emerging Artificially Intelligent Health Technologies (AIHTs)." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Develop a strategic plan for data and digital literacy and informatics skills within the healthcare workforce
Create a framework for using artificial intelligence in healthcare

"Creating a framework for AIHT in BC that ensures all usage improves the care of patients either directly or indirectly by using health service resources more productively. Any cost savings will be reinvested in BC healthcare - modern technology will work to help reduce wait times."—, retrieved 2024-10-08

Prioritise protecting health data privacy and consent when implementing new technology

"Ensuring that any introduction of any technology must be grounded in robust research evidence and a fit for purpose and framework that patients, public and staff can all trust. We will prioritize the importance of protecting privacy relating personal to health data and ensure health data cannot be disclosed without an individual’s full consent." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Housing & Homelessness

Housing prices

Allow people to exempt $3,000/mo of rent or mortgage interest costs from provincial income taxes, starting with $1,500/mo in 2026

"1) Largest tax cut for renters and homeowners in BC history – $3,000 per month of rent or mortgage interest costs will be exempt from provincial income taxes. This will be achieved by issuing a tax credit worth 5.06% of eligible housing costs, equivalent to the rate of BC’s base tax bracket.

2) Immediate relief in Budget 2026 - by exempting $1,500 per month, increasing by $500 per year to the full level of $3,000 per month. This is a clear and long-term commitment to British Columbians who work hard.

3) A fair and fiscally responsible tax credit – The 2026 budget impact will not exceed $900 million, and we will design a targeted tax credit that ensures the relief goes to people who need it to get ahead in life." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Forests and forestry

Define an area dedicated to the harvest of primary forest products
  1. "Define the land area that will be prioritized for the harvest of primary forest products.

A healthy forest sector needs stability and predictability. This is achieved by defining an area dedicated to providing primary forest products.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Define an area where biodiversity goals will be prioritised
  1. "Define the land area that will be prioritized for meeting biodiversity goals, where sourcing forest products will be of secondary value.

Combined with our parks and other forested areas, our balanced approach will allow industry to access an adequate and predictable supply of fibre, while protecting the ecological value of BC’s forests.

Having flexibility within the management of these areas will allow BC to better manage forest health issues, including wildfire mitigation plus restoration and rehabilitation where needed.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax
  1. "Replace stumpage with a value-added end product tax.

A value-added tax system will be instantaneously responsive to current market conditions, and it will encourage industry to get more value and jobs out of each log. Input credits will be created for higher-value products and better utilization of fibre: meaning the more a producer can do with the fibre, the more credits that will be created.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Provide a single-permit process for projects
  1. "Implement a “One Project, One Permit” process.

“One Project, One Permit” will significantly reduce costs to all parties (i.e. government, First Nations, and companies) and make it viable to invest in BC forestry again.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Do a core review of the forest sector's cost structure

"The core review will identify all unnecessary costs and red tape which have resulted in BC shipping forestry jobs to other provinces and the US. We will make sure the industry is competitive enough to ship products again, not jobs." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Support using wood fibre for power generation

"Encouraging the use of wood fibre in power generation and other secondary applications will create new revenue streams for the industry and government, protecting jobs and realizing the highest possible value per log." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Change the annual allowable cut from counting sawlogs to counting fibre
  1. "Change the annual allowable cut from a sawlog AAC to a fibre AAC.

Tree waste from harvesting is often left behind in the forests to be piled and burned. While there is a need to leave woody debris behind to help with habitat values, BC should account for this fibre and value it." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or other issues

"Focus harvesting on areas damaged by wildfires or forest health issues. By responding quickly, we can better-utilize the damaged fibre while doing the necessary work of rehabilitation and accelerated reforestation." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Invest in workforce training for the forest sector

Mining and minerals

Provide a single-permit process for mining projects
Run a full review of mining regulations

"Identify redundant regulations: We will conduct a full review of mining regulations – including the NDP’s changes to the Mining Act - with the aim of removing unnecessary or duplicative requirements that do not meaningfully contribute to safety or environmental protection." —, retrieved 2024-10-08

Ensure a competitive tax structure for mining

"Review tax competitiveness: To attract and retain investment, we will ensure a fair and competitive tax structure so BC remains a strong investment destination.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Reverse cabinet orders that prohibit mining exploration in some parts of BC
Work with project proponents to satisfy environmental and safety requirements

"Establish BC as a global hub for critical minerals: We commit to “getting to yes” in as timely a manner as possible – working with, not against, project proponents to satisfy all environmental and safety requirements.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Identify gaps in rural infrastructure and make targeted investments
Work with Indigenous communities to build mutually beneficial partnerships

"Strengthen Indigenous partnerships: We will work closely with Indigenous communities to build strong, mutually beneficial partnerships. As Minister of Reconciliation, John Rustad signed more deals with First Nations than any other Minister in BC history, and knows what it takes to build trust.

Clear and transparent consultation: Ambiguous expectations around consultation requirements can create an atmosphere of mistrust and frustration. Clarity and transparency will help all parties move forward together.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Require companies that build mines to be responsible for remediation costs at closure

Society & Government

Justice system

Update prosecution guidelines to maximise penalties for violent crime against children and seniors

People with disabilities

Expand HandyDART services and strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors
  1. "Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, ensuring seniors have access to affordable, reliable transportation.
  2. Strictly enforce service quality standards for HandyDART contractors to improve transportation reliability for seniors.", retrieved 2024-10-08

Public safety

Increase resources for senior protection initiatives
Run targeted awareness and education campaigns regarding digital fraud and scams

"Protect seniors from digital fraud and scams through targeted awareness and education campaigns." —, retrieved 2024-10-08


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Candidates in other districts

Bruce Banman

BC Conservatives candidate for Abbotsford South

Korky Neufeld

BC Conservatives candidate for Abbotsford West

Reann Gasper

BC Conservatives candidate for Abbotsford-Mission

Donegal Wilson

BC Conservatives candidate for Boundary-Similkameen

Sharon L. Hartwell

BC Conservatives candidate for Bulkley Valley-Stikine

Dharam Kajal

BC Conservatives candidate for Burnaby Centre

Simon Chandler

BC Conservatives candidate for Burnaby East

Michael Wu

BC Conservatives candidate for Burnaby North

Han Lee

BC Conservatives candidate for Burnaby South-Metrotown

Deepak Suri

BC Conservatives candidate for Burnaby-New Westminster

Lorne Doerkson

BC Conservatives candidate for Cariboo-Chilcotin

Heather Maahs

BC Conservatives candidate for Chilliwack North

Á’a:líya Warbus

BC Conservatives candidate for Chilliwack-Cultus Lake

Scott McInnis

BC Conservatives candidate for Columbia River-Revelstoke

Stephen Frolek

BC Conservatives candidate for Coquitlam-Burke Mountain

Hamed Najafi

BC Conservatives candidate for Coquitlam-Maillardville

Brennan Day

BC Conservatives candidate for Courtenay-Comox

John Koury

BC Conservatives candidate for Cowichan Valley

Raj Veauli

BC Conservatives candidate for Delta North

Ian Paton

BC Conservatives candidate for Delta South

John Wilson

BC Conservatives candidate for Esquimalt-Colwood

Tony Luck

BC Conservatives candidate for Fraser-Nicola

Marina Sapozhnikov

BC Conservatives candidate for Juan de Fuca-Malahat

Peter Milobar

BC Conservatives candidate for Kamloops Centre

Ward Stamer

BC Conservatives candidate for Kamloops-North Thompson

Kristina Loewen

BC Conservatives candidate for Kelowna Centre

Tara Armstrong

BC Conservatives candidate for Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream

Gavin Dew

BC Conservatives candidate for Kelowna-Mission

Kelly Vandenberghe

BC Conservatives candidate for Kootenay Central

Glen Byle

BC Conservatives candidate for Kootenay-Monashee

Pete Davis

BC Conservatives candidate for Kootenay-Rockies

Brett Fee

BC Conservatives candidate for Ladysmith-Oceanside

Mike Harris

BC Conservatives candidate for Langford-Highlands

Harman Bhangu

BC Conservatives candidate for Langley-Abbotsford

Misty Van Popta

BC Conservatives candidate for Langley-Walnut Grove

Jody Toor

BC Conservatives candidate for Langley-Willowbrook

Lawrence Mok

BC Conservatives candidate for Maple Ridge East

Mike Morden

BC Conservatives candidate for Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows

Adam Hayduk

BC Conservatives candidate for Mid Island-Pacific Rim

Dale Parker

BC Conservatives candidate for Nanaimo-Gabriola Island

Gwen O'Mahony

BC Conservatives candidate for Nanaimo-Lantzville

John Rustad

BC Conservatives candidate for Nechako Lakes

Ndellie Massey

BC Conservatives candidate for New Westminster-Coquitlam

Christopher Jason Sankey

BC Conservatives candidate for North Coast-Haida Gwaii

Anna Kindy

BC Conservatives candidate for North Island

David Splett

BC Conservatives candidate for North Vancouver-Lonsdale

Sam Chandola

BC Conservatives candidate for North Vancouver-Seymour

Stephen Andrew

BC Conservatives candidate for Oak Bay-Gordon Head

Jordan Kealy

BC Conservatives candidate for Peace River North

Larry Neufeld

BC Conservatives candidate for Peace River South

Amelia Boultbee

BC Conservatives candidate for Penticton-Summerland

Keenan Adams

BC Conservatives candidate for Port Coquitlam

Kerry van Aswegen

BC Conservatives candidate for Port Moody-Burquitlam

Chris Moore

BC Conservatives candidate for Powell River-Sunshine Coast

Kiel Giddens

BC Conservatives candidate for Prince George-Mackenzie

Sheldon Clare

BC Conservatives candidate for Prince George-North Cariboo

Rosalyn Bird

BC Conservatives candidate for Prince George-Valemount

Hon Chan

BC Conservatives candidate for Richmond Centre

Teresa Wat

BC Conservatives candidate for Richmond-Bridgeport

Steve Kooner

BC Conservatives candidate for Richmond-Queensborough

Michelle Mollineaux

BC Conservatives candidate for Richmond-Steveston

David Busch

BC Conservatives candidate for Saanich North and the Islands

Adam Kubel

BC Conservatives candidate for Saanich South

David L. Williams

BC Conservatives candidate for Salmon Arm-Shuswap

Claire Rattée

BC Conservatives candidate for Skeena

Zeeshan Wahla

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey City Centre

Mandeep Dhaliwal

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey North

Brent Chapman

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey South

Elenore Sturko

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey-Cloverdale

Avtar Gill

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey-Fleetwood

Honveer Singh Randhawa

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey-Guildford

Tegjot Bal

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey-Newton

Bryan Tepper

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey-Panorama

Linda Hepner

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey-Serpentine River

Trevor Halford

BC Conservatives candidate for Surrey-White Rock

Jag S Sanghera

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Fraserview

Jacob Burdge

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Hastings

Syed Mohsin

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Kensington

Bryan Breguet

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Langara

John Coupar

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Little Mountain

Paul Ratchford

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Point Grey

Dallas Brodie

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Quilchena

Tom Ikonomou

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Renfrew

Aron Lageri

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-South Granville

Scott Muller

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Strathcona

Jon Ellacott

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-West End

Melissa De Genova

BC Conservatives candidate for Vancouver-Yaletown

Dennis Giesbrecht

BC Conservatives candidate for Vernon-Lumby

Tim Thielmann

BC Conservatives candidate for Victoria-Beacon Hill

Tim Taylor

BC Conservatives candidate for Victoria-Swan Lake

Macklin McCall

BC Conservatives candidate for West Kelowna-Peachland

Lynne Block

BC Conservatives candidate for West Vancouver-Capilano

Yuri Fulmer

BC Conservatives candidate for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky

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